Chapter 29

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(Your POV)

"I love you so much, baby." Lauren breathes out next to my ear and kisses my cheek as we pull back from the hug, a smile on both of our faces.

"I love you too. Thanks for coming." I whisper and she nods in response.

As the girls from the school's softball team take most of the equipment from the ground by my car, Lauren bends down to pick up the last bag.

"Let's go kick some butt, coach." Lauren winks at me.

A familiar car behind the green-eyed beauty takes my attention to the other end of the parking lot.


I smile so wide that it feels like my face is going to split right in half.

He's actually making an effort to see me. I can't believe it, he actually came today.

My smile slowly fades into confusion when he passes the entrance and keeps driving on the road toward where I alone on the sidewalk in front of Sammy's preschool?

"What are you doing?" I shout, although it's useless because I can see that the windows are rolled up.

The car is still approaching me, but my face pales when I hear a truck horn come from the opposite direction.

Damn, that truck is going really fast down that hill. Even I know that trucks need to go slow on winding roads, what is he doing?

I turn back to my dad's car when I see the truck clearly not changing speed.

"Hey! Pull over! I don't think that truck is gonna be able to turn!" I yell while waving my arms in the air.

I start jumping up and down while frantically trying to get their attention, since they're not getting off the road.

I see my dad and stepmom make eye contact with me and wave.

I'm not waving to you, I'm trying to get you to stop! How can you not see that!

I turn back to see the progress of the truck and feel my breathing increase.

I have to do a double take to the middle of the road when I see someone standing right between the car and the speeding truck.


Another sound of the truck horn cuts through the air, a lot closer than it was last time.

"Get out of the street, Lauren!"

The green-eyed girl just stands there looking at me.

She just cocks her head to the side like a confused little puppy, somehow not understanding the severity of the situation.

I take a glance and see that the truck now swerving at the same speed, so much closer to us.

"Laur! Get out of there! Hurry!" I feel tears start to fall from my eyes.

"Y/N?" She calmly says my name.

What is going on with her?

"Lauren! Please! Watch out!" I sob loudly while trying to run to get her out of the way, but it's like my feet are glued to the sidewalk.

"Y/N." More emotion gets into her voice, but why is she still just standing there?

I turn to see my dad's car approaching.

"Dad! Stop the car!" I still get no reaction.

"Y/N!" Lauren's voice is finally laced with worry, yet she hasn't moved.

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