Chapter 38

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(Your POV)

There are times in your life where you take a minute to step back and appreciate just how much you have to be thankful for.  And during those times it's usually hard to believe that you've ever felt anything but happy or that you had no idea that your life would be where it is now.

Everything about life is constantly changing, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.  Regardless, everything happens for a reason that'll lead you to a place where you're happy with who you are, where you are, and the direction your life is going in.

A little over 2 years ago I was in a place of darkness that had me hating myself and just robotically going through life to please everyone around me.  Then, when I least expected it, everything changed.

I met the love of my life.

She helped pick me up and gave me the strength to get rid of the toxic people in my life and start living for myself.  She taught me to accept myself for who I am and that sometimes you just have to say 'fuck it' and do whatever it is that makes you happy.

I quietly walk up the stairs to our bedroom that's in the spot where Matty and Bre used to stay before they moved out and Caiden moved into Lauren and my bedroom. 

I balance the tray of food in one hand and use the other to open the door. 

Lauren lays sleeping on her stomach in the same spot as where I left her 30 minutes ago.  Brown hair spread out over her pillow, arms tucked under her head, and her soft snores filling the room.

I place the tray on her nightstand and move so that I'm sitting on her butt with my knees on either side of her sleeping body.  Looking at the alarm clock, I see that it's 8am so we still have probably about an hour before anyone else in the house wakes up.

I lean down to lightly place a kiss in between her bare shoulder blades.  Lauren sighs but continues to sleep while I lightly caress her naked back and follow my hands with soft pecks.

I pull back to get more comfortable and get a little startled when I hear an extra raspy voice.

"Mm, why did you stop?  That felt nice." Lauren mumbles in her just-woke-up-voice.

I kiss her cheek and start to massage her back distractedly before remembering that the food is getting cold.

"I made you breakfast." I whisper and see Lauren's one eye open to look over her shoulder at me with a smile.

"You did?  You're too good to me."  She sighs and turns over while holding my thighs to keep me on top of her.

I smile down at the beautiful woman and lovingly leave a kiss in between her bare breasts.

Lauren runs her hands through my hair when I rest my head on her chest and I let out a content breath.

"I never want to leave this bed.  I'm so comfortable just like this."  Lauren breathes out.  "But I'm also hungry."

I laugh softly and move so that I can rest my weight on my hands beside her head and look into those stunning emeralds.  Her eyes are looking extra lively today, swirling with a mixture of green and blue and some golden speckles.

"Well, it's a good thing I brought your breakfast up here with me then."  I smile and her face lights up before she looks over to the nightstand at the tray of food.

"Let me up so I can go brush my teeth.  I need to properly kiss my beautiful and very thoughtful girlfriend." Lauren says and smacks my butt before pushing me to the side and racing to the bathroom down the hall in her robe that she had to throw on just incase anyone else is awake.

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