Chapter 13

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(Your POV)

It's been exactly two weeks since we went to the Jingle Ball with Fifth Harmony and now it's the day before Christmas Eve.

Our adventure in the city was amazing, we wondered around looking at the Christmas tree and experiencing all of the sights and sounds that city had to offer. The girls and I bonded over those few days that we spent together and they all text me every day since then. It feels as if we've been friends for years.

"Y/N? Are you still there?"

"Yeah, sorry I was just lost in thought for a second. So what do you usually do for Christmas Eve and Christmas day?" I ask into the phone

"My whole family gets together Christmas Eve and we spend the night together and all sleep in the same place and then spend the whole next day together too. It gets pretty wild. What about you?" Lauren says while laughing.

"Usually I'd spend Christmas Eve with my dad's side of the family and then Christmas Day with my mom's side, but my dad's side hasn't talked to us since he passed. My uncle is super salty that my dad left Sammy to us instead of him and his wife, but it doesn't really bother me much that they cut us off. This year we're just gonna stay home for Christmas Eve with Sammy and maybe make some new traditions and then we'll all go to my aunt's house tomorrow to see my mom and them." I reply while laying on my bed and fiddling with my pillowcase.

"Well I'm sure Sammy will enjoy being able to spend both days with you guys, and I have no doubt that you'll make tomorrow memorable for her." She says softly.

"Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, I know this is kind of random and I may be out of line asking this. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just curious and I've been meaning to ask you for a while but I didn't know if—"

"Y/N!" Lauren interrupts.

"Yeah?" I breathe out.

"Just spit it out already. You can ask me anything you want." Lauren giggles.

"Are you and your friend Lucy, like together?" I ask awkwardly.

"No, we're not together." Lauren chuckles. "If this is because of that picture, we were only posing. Lucy is one of my best friends, nothing more nothing less."

"Oh, cool. Well are you talking to or dating anyone else?" I ask, slightly hoping that she says no.

"Nope. I am 100% single." Lauren laughs lightly. "Why the sudden interest in my love life? I don't mind you asking those questions, but I'm thinking there's a reason why you are?"

"Uhm, well I was actually wondering if maybe—"

"Hellooo? Anybody home?" A familiar voice yells from the other side of the house, interrupting my sentence.

"Grammy Lizzie!" I hear my sister shout.

"Mom?" I whisper out, confused.

"Is everything okay?" Lauren asks through the phone.

"Yeah, I think my mom's here though. Hold on a second." I say while walking out of my room.

"Y/N! There you are! You seemed busy when we talked on the phone on your birthday, how has everything been going around here?" My mom asks while bringing me into a hug.

I find the comfort that I've always felt when in my mother's arms the moment they're around me. I didn't realize how much I've missed her since I saw her last month.

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