Chapter 16

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(Your POV)

Holy. Shit.

Lauren kissed me.

Lauren is kissing me.

Please don't tell me I'm dreaming right now.

I move my lips in sync with hers like we've been doing this for years. It's the softest and sweetest kiss I've ever experienced. It just feels so right.

Apparently, this kiss has lasted long because I hear the familiar noise of us approaching the end of the lift, so I slowly pull away and give her one last peck before opening my eyes.

I take in the contours of her face as her eyes are still closed and she has a relaxed smile.

"Open your eyes." I whisper with my own smile.

Her breathtaking emerald orbs flutter open and she looks like she experienced the same emotions I did during that kiss.

I quickly kiss her again and pull back before she can even reciprocate.

"We have to get off the lift." I say softly and lift up the lap bar without taking my eyes off of her.

She licks her lips and nods, and then faces forward.

"Pick your toes up just like when we got on. Make sure you don't lean backwards or you'll fall." I add while locking my arm with hers just like I did before.

She stumbles a bit when we get onto the snow, but I steady her and pull off to the side to wait for the four other people coming up behind us.

Camila and Connor come over to us first, followed by Matty and a smirking Bre.

She definitely saw.

"So how was your ride up?" Bre asks.

I see Lauren smile out of the corner of my eye, but it falters as soon as I quickly answer my brother's girlfriend. "It's a chairlift. Nothing special."

Lauren lets go of my arm. "Are we gonna go down the mountain, or what?" She asks the group unenthusiastically.

Fuck. I didn't realize how bad it probably sounded when I said that. I just wanted Bre to stay out of our business.

I try to reach for the green-eyed girl's hand, but she starts to glide toward the edge of the slope.

I reluctantly follow the rest of the group over to where Lauren is and we start to make our way to the bottom of the hill via the green circle trail. I ate shit like 5 times even though it was a beginner trail because my mind was so focused on the beautiful girl. If I wasn't in my mind thinking about how to get her to stop and talk to me so I can explain why I said what I did, I was watching her to make sure that she was doing well and not going to fall or get hurt.

I immediately came up alongside her when we got to the bottom. We stood in silence as we both release our boots from the bindings.

"Laur, I get why you're mad at me but just let me explain—"

"I'm not mad at you Y/N." She answers softly.

"You're not?" I ask in confusion.

"No. I can't be mad at you for trying to distract me from the height of the lift by humoring my want to kiss you." She says shrugging and starts to walk away.

I quickly jump in front of her to stop her from leaving. "You're insane if you think that's what happened. I don't just go around kissing people just for the sake of doing it. And if I gave you the impression that I'm that kind of person, then I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I—"

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