Walking with harry

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"Was that your mum?" Harry walks over to me. "Yeah. I have to grab my clothes and stuff." I put my phone in my pocket. "Oh, is your mum gonna drop it all off here?" Harry asks. "Nope. I gotta walk home." I sighed. It would've been more reasonable if mum dropped off my stuff before she went to the airport. It was freezing outside! I cannot believe she had me go take a walk to my house to get my belongings. But i have no choice.. I need clothing. I could borrow harry's but that's a bit awkward. Or i could borrow from his sister's clothes.. Nah.

"I'll walk with you." Harry grabs his jacker from the hook. "Aw harry, you really don't. My house isn't that far." I protested, obviously a lie. My house is bit farther from his home. "No, you just can't walk alone to your house, it's getting dark, and it's snowing!" Harry opens the door. "Ok, thanks." I grab my keys from my backpack and walk out to the porch. "MUM! I'M GONNA WALK ARI HOME TO GET HER STUFF!" harry yells from the porch. "Ok! Be safe you two!" Anne says back, and harry closes the door. "Thanks again." I stare at the ground, kicking the snow. "No problem ari bear." Harry cheekily smiles and pokes my dimple. I loved it when he calls me ari bear or some adorable nickname he usually comes up with. It was getting extremely chilly and i only had a thin sweater on. "Hey are you cold?" Harry asks. "No, the weather's great!" I sarcastically say and i roll my eyes. Harry laughs and takes off his jacket. "Here." He hands it over. "No, it's ok. You'll be cold!" I push back the jacket. "No, i'll be fine! You can wear it." Harry gives me his jacket. I stopped walking for a minute and take the jacket because he kept on offering it. "Thanks haz" i wrap the jacket around my body. Harry smiles and keeps walking. I felt a little bad because he was in his black t-shirt and it was cold.

We finally reached my house and i unlocked the door, opening to a nice, warm, house. "Finally." I breathed. "Ok, lemme just grab my clothes and all and we'll be on our way back to your place, yeah?" I say to Harry, me already running up the stairs. "Ok! Hurry upppppp i'm starving!" Harry laughs from downstairs. I laugh and say,"you can get something from the fridge to eat on!" I offer. I could hear him walk to the kitchen and open the fridge door, grabbing something. He came upstairs with a bannana in his hands and an orange in the other. i zip up my bag and walk to the bathroom to get my toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush. I walk back to my room and see harry eating the bannana. "This is good." He says with a mouthfull of the fruit. I laughed,"ok?" I giggle and turn to my desk. I grabbed my makeup and harry walks over to my side "Ari, you don't need makeup." Harry says over my shoulder. "Why?" I question. "Makeup is a must-have for me." I chuckle and threw in the mascara into a small bag. "You're beautiful just the way you are." Harry says and grabs the bag of makeup from me. "Hey!" I turn around, now facing him, noses only inches away. He starts singing the new song we all wrote together. "Don't need makeup, to coverup, being the way that you are is enough-ough-ough." He sings in his amazing voice. He leans closer to me, going in for a kiss, and i panic inside. My mind is going crazy, my best friend, Harry Edward Styles is trying to kiss me! Luckily, his phone rang, interrupting this moment. "Uh it's my mum." Harry looks at his screen and walks out. I nod and relized he still had my makeup bag. I sigh and grab my bag full of clothes and walk out of my room, turning off the light. I walk downstairs to meet Harry, thinking whatever he was doing, was it even real? Am i dreaming? All these thoughts run through my head, giving me a massive headache. The main thing is: Was my best friend trying to kiss me?

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