The kiss

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"You ready?" Harry takes my bag. "Yeah, let's go." I open the door. I grab my keys, turned off the lights and met him out on the porch. We started walking in silence, it was really awkward. I tugged on his jacket sleeve, and looked at the snow covered ground. "I'm sorry." Harry turned over to me. I was a little confused on why he was apologizing. "Sorry for what?" I finally asked. "For almost... Kissing you. I felt like i was pressuring you." He spoke in a softer tone. I looked at the sky, wondering how i could reply to this. I bit my bottom lip and started to breathe heavily. "You know, you can tell me that i was being too pushy. It won't hurt my feelings." Harry said. I looked at him awkwardly and he looked back with those green eyes. I shrugged my shoulders, thinking of nothing to say to him. He took my shrugging as he was being pushy. But at the same time, it wasn't pushy, but then again, it kinda was. I don't even know anymore.

The whole walk was in silence. We finally reached his house, and i was just really relived we did. I couldn't take the silence any longer, it was getting awkward. He opened the door and put my bag on the couch. "Hey kids, dinner!" Anne called from the kitchen. I could smell the food, even from the outside. Harry walked to the kitchen and I followed. When we all took our seats, Gemma came home. "Hey mum!" She put her bag on the hook. "Oh hey, Ariana." Gemma took her seat. I waved back and went on eating my supper. Nobody really talked exept for Anne, talking about her day and what she's being doing, and all that stuff. Harry got up from his seat and put the plate into the sink and walked up to his room in silence. We all stared at him as he ran up to his room. "What's wrong with him?" Gemma got up and put her plate in the sink. I pulled my brown hair back, thinking if it was my fault. Maybe he was lying when i gave him a sign that he was a little pushy and he wouldn't get hurt. I felt the gulit inside of me and i excused myself from the table and put my plate into the sink. I sat myself on the couch, next to my bag and i started to text my friend, Ellie of what happened.
Me: el! Helppp
El: what?
Me: harry tried to kiss me and i kinda told him he was being pushy
El: omg wait.. He tried to kiss you?! And then you told him he was pushy!!
Me: yeah kinda :/
Me: i think he's mad at me
El: well he's your best mate! Go make things right!!
Me: like what? Kiss him?
El: lol no silly, go apologize or something
Me: but
El: but..?
Me: wonder if he doesn't wanna talk to me
El: of course he will. Trust me
Me: ok.. Gtg gonna talk to him rn
El: kk good luck

I walked up to his room and knocked on it. "It's open." He said. I held my hand for a minute, thinking was this a good idea. But my mind had other ideas. I opened the door and walked in slowly. God, my mind likes to play its own games sometimes and i hated that. "Hey ari." He took out one of his earbuds and sat up straight. "Hi." I had a straight face on, still standing near the doorway. "Sit." Harry patted the bed space, right next to him. I slowly walked over to his bed, and sat myself down, patting my dress. "What brings you here?" Harry, focused on his phone. I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it closed right after. "If you're here to apologize, no need to." Harry, still eyes on the iphone screen. It's like he read my mind. "I didn't mean to say you're pushy." i finally spoke. He took his eyes off the screen and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Can we just... Forget about it?" Harry looked at me with sympathy. "Yeah. I guess so." I rubbed my arm, not looking at him anymore. "Good. Because i don't want it to be awkward. You know?" His voice lighten up a bit. "Because we're best friends." We both say at the same time and laugh. I love it when he's happy. And i'm extremely relived nothing is going on, making things awkward.

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