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It was the week, we finish the first season of our show. My boyfriend, Jai swung by to see me on set for the first time. He's no Harry, but I do love Jai. It was the last scene, nearly 6 pm. I was getting hungry, we all were. About half an hour later, we finished it all. "Babe, I gotta go now. You did amazing." Jai says, kissing my head. "Thanks." I blush, waving good-bye to my lovely boyfriend. I take out my extentions and put them in my purse.

God, I hate my red hair. I wish they would just let me have my brown hair back. My hair is basically dead because of all the dye I used this year.

Sitting on the couch, opening the instagram app, i hear a knock in the door. "Open." I say, eyes still focused on my screen. "Hey." Victoria and Liz walk in. "Hi." I look up at them. "We were wondering if you wanna join all of us for dinner?" Liz smiles. "What time?" I check my iphone clock. "In about a half an hour." Victoria said. "Yeah. Sounds fun." I get up, grabbing my bag and keys. "Ok, see you later. Oh and I'll text you the resturant's name and address." Liz says, pulling out her phone. I get into my car and drive back to my place.

I open the door and rush upstairs to my room, grabbing a nice floral dress. I re-do my makeup and comb my hair. I get a text from Liz, telling me the address of the resturant. Oh. That one I thought. That's a fancy resturant, it has a view of the City. I then get another text. But this time it was Louis.

Lou: hi ariana

I ignored it and continue combing my hair. I get another text. Louis. Again.

Lou: i know you're here. I see you just read my message.

I ignored it again. Then he sent another text. I groan, reading his message.

Lou: we're in LA
Me: why do i care?
Lou: because i know you live here
Me: no i dont
Lou: stop lying
Me: how would you know where i live? Im happily here back in england!
Lou: i saw you
Me: where?
Lou: on my tv
Me: haha thats silly
Lou: i never said it was silly buisness
Me: ok?
Lou: listen i really need to talk to you
Lou: wheres your house
Me: in cheshire
Lou: no, i mean the home you live in right now
Me: good bye lou
Lou: no, wait!

He tried calling me a few times, but i silenced my phone. That'll do it.

I look at my drawer, the table full of accessories. But one thing caught my eyes. The neckalace Harry gave me. I took it in my hand, giving it a small squeeze. It felt so fragile. So small. I open up the locket and I see the little photo of me and Harry. I sigh and put it around my neck. I walk over to my bed and sit down, hearing a plump noise. I look at the time, I still got 2o minutes. My eyes travel to the photo of me and Harry, standing in the snow covered floor. I pick up the frame and hold it in my hands. It was still heavy but it must've been the frame that makes it this way.

By the time I got there, none of them were here yet! So i waited in the car waiting for a call from one of them to alert me they've arrived. My katy Perry ringtone rang through my whole car, a call from Vic. "I'm hereeeee." She sings to the phone. "Ok, i'll meet you inside." I chuckle and hung up, getting myself out of the vehicle. I walk in my pink heels, letting the neckalace sway back and fourth on my neck. I was too focused on my phone, relizing i bumped into somone, making me fall back. I dropped my wallet and keys and the person I bumped into dropped his phone. I quickly get up and collect my things, along with his black iphone. "I'm so sorry!" I apologize, patting the dirt off my dress. "It's ok." He says. He's British. "Heres your phone." I say giving it back to him. I look up and I jump back in shock. I gulp in a massive lump in my throat, heavy breathing now.

He seems to do the same, as I can see, he's trying to hold back tears. "Ariana..." He mumbles under his breath. I walk past him, almost running away. "Ariana!" He yells, but I already ran into the resturant.

"Hey." Victoria comes over to me. "Hi." I say trying to catch my breath. "You ok?" She hold my wrist. "Yup." I say behind my lying mouth. Yup because everything's ay-okay after running into my old best friend after not talking for a really looooong time. But yup. Everything's perfect here in ariana city.

By the time it was 7:1o, the whole crew was here. "Your table, ladies and gentlemen." The waiter placed down the menus. Score. We got a seat out in the balcony, the perfect view of Los Angeles.

I got up, enjoying the view of the city. I should take a picture I thought. I reach down to grab my wallet, expecting my phone to be there. But it wasn't. I gasped a little, making Avan stare up at me. "Are you ok?" He asksd as he peered over his menu. "Yup. I think I lost my chapstick, but it's ok." I lie for the 2nd time this night. "Ok.." He looks at me weirdly and turns back to his menu. "Bloody hell.." I mutter under my breath, sitting down. I pick up my menu, but I just couldn't focus. What makes it even worse is that I don't have a passcode to my phone! Anyone could hack it. The waiter came back with a nopepad to take our orders. "Can i start you off with drinks?" He warmly asks.

Harry's p.o.v.

I'm still standing here, the same spot. "Sir, are you ok? You seem a little... Frozen up here." A lady looked over my shoulder. "Yeah.. I'm fine. No worries." I mumble, barely audible. Even my breathing's louder than my words. "Sorry ma'am I'll move out of your way." I continue walking until i stepped on something that seemed like a square. I bent down, watching the lady walk away while I took the object. It was someone's iphone. I press the home button and there was a picture of a boy with dark hair on it. Hey. This guy looks familiar. I know he's a famous person... Who was it? Oh yeah, it's Jai Brookes of Janoskians. I slide right, unlocking the phone easily because this person didn't have a password. I know it's wrong to snoop at someone's phone, but I'm kinda doing a good thing too. I'm finding information to return the phone. So there we go, that's something good.

I look through her contacts and I see Louis' name in there. This person's got lou's digits? Whatever. It might be a fake number this person found on the internet and thought it was the real one. I opened her notes and she had an address written down. This must be her house address. I couldn't help but open up the owner's twitter. Once the thing loaded, it showed her account. This isn't anyone's phone. It's Ariana's.

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