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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 41 READS !! I KNOW ITS LAME BUT THANK YOU ILY ALL mwah mwah. :) here you go, chapter 14.

I woke up to the smell of cookies. Mum's probably making it for the occation today. It's christmas! Of course, i'm probably gonna spend half of today shopping for last minute presents. I got changed and brushed my teeth and hair. I came downstairs to mum cooking breakfast and seeing cookies on the counter. "Morning ariana." Mum smiles at me. "Good morning! Merry christmas." I hug her. "Merry christmas darling. I love you." Mum says, kissing my head. "I love your new neckalace. Where'd you get it?" Mum says, putting the breakfast on plates. "Oh, Harry got it for me." I touch the gift he gave me. "Oh, how sweet is he?" She gives me a plate of pancakes and eggs. She poured me milk and gave me the cookies. After breakfast, i excused myself from the table. I texted Ellie if she wanted to hang out. Then i texted Harry, wishing him a merry christmas. Harry texted me back telling me "guess what?"

Me: what?
Harry: guess!!!!!!!!
Me: you got a new phone?
Harry: nope
Me: you got a new video game thingy?
Harry: nope, i kinda wish though..
Harry: guess again
Me: i ran out of ideas lol
Harry: ok
Harry: me and the boys are gonna be on the x-factor!!!!
Me: WHAT???!!
harry: thanks love!

I told my mum the great news and she was exited about it. "Oh my gosh, that's great for him and the boys! He's such a good singer." My mum gushed. "Hey, you should go on it too." She said. I laughed," noooo." I answered. "No way. I sing like a washing machine!" I said. "Oh love, no you don't! You're talented." Mum said. "Thanks, but no." I laughed. "If you need me, i'll be with Ellie." I say, grabbing my coat and walking out. I laughed to myself. "Ha. Me go on the x-factor. That's just mad!" I laugh again.

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