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It's officially 2011 and I feel so fresh. I dropped out of school and now I'm gonna be moving to California. I offered my mum to join me, but she declined my offer. She wanted to stay here in Cheshire. She also said i'm nearly 17 and i should begin to make my own desicions and this was actually a good idea to start it off.

I stuffed all my clothing into my suitcase. Ellie sat on my bag, while I zipped it up. She was gonna come with me for the week, so I won't be lonesome. "I'm so glad you're coming with me!" I hug her and her long brown hair. "No problem! I've always wanted to see what California looks like!" Ellie says, smiling. "And the best part is, it's in Los Angeles! There's a beach and city mixed together." I gush. "You ready?" Ellie says helping me with my bags. "Yeah." I say grabbing the rest of the luggage.

As i was about to walk down i relized i forgot something. "Hold on! I left something behind. Meet me in the car, ok?" I say, running back to my room. "Ok!" I hear Ellie yell already out the door." I rush into my room, turning on the closet light, rummaging through some boxes until i found it. The picture of me and Harry. The one that he gave me a couple of years ago. Underneath it was the neckalace he gave me. I stopped wearing it ever since he stopped talking to me. I clutch the two items in my hands, going through memory lane in the middle of my closet. "Ariana.." I hear mum walk into my now empty room. "Is everything alright?" She asks with concern. "Yeah." I say trying to hold back tears. "Ok. Just making sure." She says. "You know, you don't have to go." She offers. "Oh mum, i'm gonna miss you so, so much." I say wrapping my arms around her. "I'm gonna miss you too darling." She hugs me back. "Well ariana, you best be going now. Don't wanna miss your flight." Mum says helping me downstairs. "Bye love. Call me when you get there ok?" She says giving me one more hug before i leave. "Bye mum, i'll call you everyday, promise!" I say getting into Ellie's car and blowing mum a kiss.

"What'd you leave in your room?" Ellie says, focused on the road. "Oh, nothing. Just some neckalace i really adored." I say. "Cool." She smiles. "Move it you fat lug! Where'd you get your license?! From a bull?!" Ellie yells. I laugh at her road rage, her insults where always so hilarious. "Stop eating and start driving!" She yells again. She switched lanes and when she passed by the man she was yelling at, she gave him a glare. "People need to learn how to drive." She said, more calmly now. "I cannot wait till' we get over to california!" I say trying to cheer the mood. "Me too! This is gonna be frikin awesome!" She smiles. She turns on the radio and the first song was 'what makes you beautiful' by One Direction. "Ugh" i groan. "Can you change it?" I ask. "No way, i love this song!" Ellie sings Liam's part. "Plus, Liam's hot." She adds. "But you can't see his face in the song, so can we change it?" I ask again. "Why are you hating them? They're your best mates!" Ellie says. I just roll my eyes, thinking it was pointless since the song's almost over anyways.

We sit on the airport chairs waiting for the plane to arrive. I'm occupied with my phone, scolling through my instagram feed. Ellie's talking to some stranger about going to L.A. with me and all this and that.

"Calling all passengers to board the plane. Los angeles, california." The employee announced. Ellie and I lined up behind the the passengers, waiting for the person up front to check our tickets. Once we got through, we took our seats in the middle of the plane. "Almost time!" Ellie sqealed. I smiled, but i also knew this was gonna be one long ride. After everyone boarded, the pilot listed the basic stuff. This was gonna be a 10 hour and 46 minute flight. He did all the safety rules just in case anything bad happens. Thanked us for joining them and turned off the mic.

We were ready for takeoff and Ellie and i were smiling at eachother. "It's time!" I sqealed. "I know!" She replied, now all giddy. The plane sped up and my ears were beginning to pop. I felt the air tighten around me and i felt the air tighten around me. The plane started lifting up and i could see all of cheshire become small. Cheshire. My home. Where Harry and I grew up in. Cheshire. I'm sure gonna miss you. But i know leaving was the right choice.

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