Settling in

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By the time we got comfortable with the place, we got hungry. "What do you wanna eat?" Ellie asks. "I don't know, whatever's fine." I say flipping through the T.v. Channels. Ellie was looking through a small booklet full of shopping places and resturants we could go to. "Mcdonalds?" She says. "Nah." I say. I don't wanna be eating something like that on the first night in California. "Asian food?" She offers. "No.." I say, still flipping throgh the channels. "In-n-out?" Ellie suggests. "Sure." I say already getting up. She sets the booklet down and grabs her coat. "Don't forget the keys!" She says. I laugh to myself,"I won't!" I respond walking to my new room, grabbing the key. I take a good look of my new room. Its going to look even better with my stuff sitting on the shelves and my items from home. "Ariana?" Ellie calls from the door. "You can admire your room later, but I'm starving!" She complains. "Ok, ok." I chuckle walking out the door with her.

We take a brief walk to the resturant. It was extremely packed with customers. Even the drive thru was crammed. Of course it was dinner time, i didn't expect it to be THIS packed. Though the line went by pretty fast and we got to the front in no time. "Hi, welcome to in-n-out. May i take your order?" The man asks. "Yeah um... I'll order the cheese burger please." Ellie smiles. "I'll have the same as well." I say, still looking at the menu. "Sure thing. Anything else? Fries? Smoothies?" He offers. "No thanks." Ellie and I both say. "Ok, then that will be $6.00." The employee puts his hand out. I give him 3 and El gives him the other half. "Thank you, and you two are number 97."

I was sitting down with Ellie in one of the available booths. I heard one girl talk about One Direction being in L.A. Recording first album, up all night. The other talked about how hot Harry is and they're gonna get engaged. I laughed to myself of the thought of this fan marrying her favorite band member. "97!" The employee called. "You're meal is ready!" I walked over to the counter getting our food. "Thanks." I say grabbing the tray. "Oh, British. Enjoying your stay?" He asks. "Yeah, thanks." I say walking away. "Here we are." I give Ellie her burger. I took mine and ate it up within minutes. Ellie was still working on hers. She looked up at me and noticed that i finished. "What..?" She said. "What?" I ask in confusion. "You must be hungry!" She says while i laugh. "Kinda." I say drinking my soda.

We left in-n-out and decided we should walk over to Target to get snacks because we're gonna get hungry.

I took a red cart and pushed it around. Ellie kept on taking chips and candy off the shelves. "Hey, we need water too." I laugh at her. "Oh, right." She smiles walking all over the store trying to find water. "Since we're in L.A. You should find a recording labelist. You have lots of talent." Ellie says, picking up a few bottles of water. I thought about that during the plane ride, but it was only a quick thought. "Nah, I came here to start fresh. Not to become a singer." I say picking up a pack of gum. "Oh, c'mon you have to! You have to show the world what talent you've got!" She says poking my dimple. Harry used to tell me that. He even used to poke my dimple and I'd poke his back. I miss those days. I miss him. "Ariana, you alright? You're holding that necalace really tightly.." Ellie says with concern. I snap out of my daydream or whatever you call it and come back into reality. "Oh, yeah! I'm just fine." I fake smile, even though I'm sad inside.

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