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As they finished their last song of the night, Louis screamed,"Thank you Los Angeles!" And the lights shut off.

They boys came down high-fiving eachother. 4 other boys appeared, staying close to Niall. "You did amazing ." Eleanor hugged Louis. He mumbled something in her ear and guided her to the dressing room, along with the others following. Exept for Harry.

"How'd I do?" He asks, wiping some sweat off his forhead with a towel. "You guys were amazing." I say, not wanting to be left with Harry alone. There was a long silence between us. The only noise was the staff talking. "Should we follow the other-" without warning, Harry gently pushed me to the wall, kissing my lips with his plump, pink ones. They were so soft, I kissed him back. We were still at it, I stopped counting since it hit 30 seconds.

I held his soft curls, staring into his eyes. "Harry.." I smiled lightly. It felt like we were the only ones in the room. In the world in fact. "Styles get in here! You've gotta see this!" Louis yells from the room. Harry gives me a quick passionate kiss before holding my hand and guiding me to the dressing room where the rest are.

"What?" Harry plainly says, sitting next to Zayn, being on his phone texting someone. Maybe his girlfriend or something.

After we all said our farewells, Harry catches up to me, walking with me to my car. "Should I drive you home?" He placed his hands in his pockets. His jeans look so tight, how did he even put his foot in there? "No thanks." Staring at the cold cement. "You look tired.." I could see him stare at me for a moment at the corner of my eye. "You must be even more exhausted. Performing and all." I say, trying to get out of this conversation. "No, no. It's ok." He grabs my keys out of my hands. "Hey!" I reach over to get them back. "Nope! You can't reach them! I'm driving you home if you like it or not." "Fine.." I grumble, getting into the passenger seat.

Thought keep running through my mind of the Harry kiss. I've now just relized I kissed him back. And what makes this worse? I have a boyfriend. A wonderful boyfriend. Wonder if he finds out? He'll be so pissed. And if I tell him? He'll be pissed too! All this thinking made me tired and I didn't even relized I knocked out.

I felt the car stop, my eyes didn't open because I felt like I was half asleep and half awake. My body was being carried bridal style, up to my room and tucked under the bed. I felt a small kiss on my forehead hearing quiet footsteps walk out, closing the door.

I woke up to the sound of a car. It must be my neighbors. I grab a hair tie from my nightstand, tying my hair into a ponytail. I walk down to make myself breakfast as I see a note on the fridge.

I made you some waffles if you wanted some, they're in the fridge. Heat it up and enjoy :) I walked home last night, don't worry about me. You'll get a text from Louis that I got back to the hotel safely.

I ran back upstairs to check my phone, seeing I got a text from Lou. I walk back down, heating up the waffle Harry had apperently made. When I took the first bite, it tasted so good.. As usual. He's always been good at cooking. Always have been, always will.

Thinking about Harry made me think about Jai. Should I tell him what's up? Or should I tell him the truth. All these thoughts are frustrating me and my head could explode right now if it could.

My thoughts were interruped to someone at the door. "What?!" I barked, sliding my feet against the cold, wooden floor, making my way towards the door. I opened it seeing the best thing at my eyes. It was Ellie!

"Ellie!" I nearly tackled her to the ground, giving her a massive hug. She dropped her bags, managing to hug me back. "I've missed you!" She says, still holding me. I finally released, thinking she couldn't breathe because of my bear hug.

I helped her, grabbing her bags and gesturing her to sit down and make herself at home. "Love your new place." Ellie examined the house. "So.. What's new?" She asked, holding onto my hands. "Well I'd love the thank you for dragging me in to the audition! I love my job. I also got a lovely boyfriend, Jai but..." I didn't finish the sentance, leaving Ellie hanging. "But..?" She eyed me, knowing something's up. "Lastnightikissedharryandifeelreallyguiltlybecauseihaventtoldjaiyet." I quickly say, catching my breath. "What was that again?" She says, holding one hand to her ear. "Ok.. Last night I kissed Harry... BUT! He kissed me first and I feel really guilty because I haven't got the the nerve to tell Jai yet.." I pull a small pout. "Oh, Ari, I really think it's best to call him up and tell him about Harry.." Ellie grabs my hands, giving it a small squeeze. "You think so?" I ask quietly. "It's always the best to tell the truth. No matter how much it could hurt." "Ok.. Lemme just call him up."

I dial Jai's number and everytime the phone rings, that's when my heart would stop for a second. "Hello?" Jai speaks. "Jai.." "Yeah babe? What's up?" He asks with worry. "Can you come over today?" I ask, really hoping we could talk things through. "Yeah, sure. What's wrong?" He asks with even more concern. "We need to talk." "Oh, ok. Can I come at 3?" "Yeah." Was all I said before hanging right up.

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