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It was about 9 when i showered and brushed my teeth. I was tired from the kiss stress and walking to my house and back to Harry's place. All i wanted to do was go to sleep. I dragged my body downstairs. Anne placed pillows and blankets on the couch already. I fell back on the couch and pulled the blanket over me. Just as i was about to close my eyes, Harry comes down and sits next to me. I open one eye, a little annoyed because i was so exauhsted, what could Harry possibly want now? "Yes, Harry? You need something?" I ask in my nicest tone. "Yep, actually i do! Wanna watch a movie with me?" He cheekily smiles, pulling out a few DVD's from behind his back. I groan to myself,"but Harold.. I'm tired. Can we watch them tomarrow or something?" I plant my face on the soft pillow. "Nope, the boys and i will be hanging out tomarrow, so i really don't have time. Plus these movies are awesome!" In his hands were, white chicks, pitch perfect, titanic, love actually, and mulan. "Soooo.. Wanna watch these with me?" He hands me the DVDs. I sigh, thinking he won't stop bothering me if i agree to watch at least one movie with him. "Fine." I finally say, and i get up to a sitting position. "Which one do you wanna watch first?" Harry walks over to the T.V. "I don't care. Which ever one's fine with me." I pull my brown locks to the side. He inserted a DVD and he sat back down next to me, holding a remote. I guess we're watching, love actually. Those next few hours, i was really into the movie. I didn't feel sleepy anymore.

*a/n i never watched love actually, so i don't know the plot of the story, sorry :/*

When the movie was over, we watched the other ones until we both got tired. I could hear Harry whisper something in my ear, but i was too tired to even listen.

I had a dream of me and harry as the main characters of love actually. It was so strange. Was this even real? The dream suddenly stopped and everything went black. Oh. I guess the dream's over.

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