Los Angeles

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The plane ride was so long, I almost could die of boredom. There was only 2 hours left and I can't believe that i survied 8 hours of sitting in a small little chair next to Ellie. She knocked out a few hours ago and I couldn't even sleep. I tried playing on my phone to keep me occupied, but that only made me dizzy. So i turned off my phone for the rest of the ride. I stared out the window watching the clouds and the ground below us. the fligh attendent came by with my second drink. i took a small sip of it before setting it down on the tray. The plane made the ding sounds, alerting us that the pilot was about to announce someting. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in The Los Angeles boundaries. Please shut down all your electronics and please buckle your seatbelts. Thanks for joining us. We all hope to see you again!" The pilot says. "Finally." I mumble under my breath. I was tired, my legs were sleeping, and I was sick of eating peanuts througout the whole ride. The plane landed safely, making a small thud sound, waking up Ellie. "Are we here?" he asks groggily. "yeah." I say quietly, know she's still tired. "yay.' she says plainly. When we were able to get up and move, Ellie and i quickly got our bags and lined up with all the other people wating to get out of the plane. Once we got out, we saw a beautiful sunset. I turned on my phone, checking the time. it was about 5-ish. Reminding me, i should call mum. I dialed her number, getting a few rings. "hello?' "mum?" i say. "ariana! it's so great to hear your voice!" she says. "mum we just landed." I say watching the horizon. "Well that's wonderful! have fun!" she says. "thanks mum! love and miss ya!' i say before hanging up the phone. 

i take in a deep breath before exiting the airport. "wow." Was all I could say when we got here. "Yeah, you're telling me?" Ellie Laughs. "We should call a taxi." She says pointing over to some little counter in the corner. "Ok."

"Hi, um we were wondering if you could call in a taxi for us?" I ask the lady. "Sure thing girls." the lady says. "So you two are British, am I right?" she asks. "Yes we are." Ellie says with pride. "what part of Britian are you girls or should I say, lassies from?" the lady asks again. "Cheshire." i say. "Cool, well your taxi should be here soon, maybe five minutes." the lady says. "Ok, thank you" i say before Ellie and I leave the counter and walk over to the sidewalk. 

We both see a car in the distance, slowing down at us. "hello girls. My name is Gabe, and I'll be driving you to your destination this evening." Gabe says, taking our bags and placing them in the trunk. "Hi, Gabe. we'll be going to this address." i say showing him a paper of the address of my flat. "ok. those apartments are real nice." Gabe says, as he begins driving. "apartments?" I ask in confusion. "Yeah, apartments. That's where you girls are staying at." Gabe explains. "oh.. well me and my friend just came to America." i say. "oh yeah, you girls must be British, i can hear it in your voices." Gabe says, finally catching on. "yeah.." Ellie says slowly. 

"Here we are!" Gabe stops in front of a massive building. This must be my flat. I didn't think it'd be this huge. Gabe gives me and Ellie our bags and we gave his the money. We walking into the entrance, letting cool California breeze hit our faces. "hello." a women behind the counter greets us. "Hi." Ellie and I both say at the same time. "I'm Ariana Grande." i say letting the lady know who I was and that i purchased a flat here. "Here are your keys ladies." She says after i signed all those papers. "Thanks." i say, rolling my luggages. We walked to the elevator up to my flat. I inserted the key and opened the door. The room was much bigger than i thought it would be! it also had a balcony with a view of the city! "Wow!" Ellie's eyes widened. "This is gonna be a good week." Ellie laughs. "It's so much different from Britian. Compared to here, it's a complete paradise." She says opening up the blinds in my room. I walk around in circles, examining the room. this is gonna be good start to my new life, I thought.

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