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We came back to Harry's house with the house smelling like warm bread. "Hey kids." Anne grabbed some plates. "Gemma's gonna be staying at a friend's house, so it's us for the evening." She grabbed forks and spoons. "I made bread, soup, and vegatables." "Looks good." I sat myself down. "Thank you. Eat up! You two must be hungry." She says, grabbing some bread.

After dinner Harry went upstairs to his room. I did the usual, got ready for bed and all. I put in sweats and a t-shirt, and tied my hair back. I jogged downstairs and sat on the couch, playing on my phone. I went on facebook liking few statuses and stuff. Harry came down with some wrapped item. It's probably for his mum. "Ariana!" He walked over to me. "Hmm?" I responded, still on my phone. "I've got something for you." He handed me the wrapped item. "It's for me?" I asked, closing my phone. "Yeah." He said all shy. "Open it." He said, sitting down next to me." I carefully tore the paper. There sat a picture of me and Harry in our coats, arms linked, and standing in the snow. We took this picture a couple of days ago. And in the corner of the picture frame was a heart neckalace. "Open the neckalace." He smiled. I opened the necalace. It was also a picture of us. But this one's different. It's a photo of us when we were kids. "Thank you Harry. I love it so, so much!" I threw my arms around him. "No problem, ari bear, anything for you." He hugged me back with a tight grip. "Here, lemme help you put it on." Harry said. He took my neckalace and put it around my neck. I held onto, loving every moment. "But.. I feel bad. I didn't get you anything." I say, holding the picture. It was a little heavy. "Don't feel bad. It's almost Christmas. It's about spending time with the ones you love." Harry smiles. "You're a gift enough." "Thank you Harry." I hug him again.

We spent the night watching movies and eating ice cream until we fell asleep.

The next day, my mum called me letting me know she's home.
"Wonderful mum! How was the trip?" I asked. "It was great thank you. How's harry's?" She asked. "It's good. His family is so kind." I responded. "Good. Good. Ok, i will be picking you up at 3, ok?" Mum said. "Ok." I hung up. I ran up to pack my stuff. I threw my toothbrush and hairbrush into a bag and put my bags near the stairs. "Leaving right now?" Harry comes out of his room. I chuckled," No, my mum's picking me up soon. I was just packing." I took my phone out, checking the time. "Oh." was all he said. "Something bothering you?" I asked. "No, it's just.. I don't want you to leave." He fake pouts. "Oh." I giggle. "Don't worry. I'll come back soon." "Deal?" He puts his hand out. "Deal, styles." I shake his hand.

My mum called me letting me know's she's here. Harry helped me, grabbing my stuff and walked me out. "Tell your mum thanks for letting me stay." I say, closing the trunk. "Sure thing." Harry says, pulling me in for a hug. We stand there for a while until we relized my mum was here. "Bye Harry." I say, getting into the car. "See ya later, Ari." He waves. As my mum starts driving away, all i saw was Harry closing the door.

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