Letting him in

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I smiled at the letter and tucked it under my pillow. I went in my closet and grabbed a blanket I really don't use. I trotted downstairs, unlocking the door, seeing Harry, soaked from head to toe. He looked up at me from the lawn, slowly rising up. "Here." I say in that one tone, like a kid giving up his toy to his mum.

I handed him the blanket, as he walked over to take it. "Thanks." He munbles. "You can uh.. Come inside. I don't want me to be the reason you start coughing and sneezing during a concert or something." I grumble, making my way back up to my room. He sat on the couch, pulling the blanket over his legs. "Ariana." He called. "What?" I walk back down. "Why do you hate me?" He asks that stupid question again. "If you're gonna ask the samw question, you're gonna get the same answer." I say, slightly irratated. "And what might that answer me?" He stared into my eyes. "Nothing. That's the answer." I cross my arms. "That's not much of an answer.." He points out. "Goodnight." I say, walking, kinda jogging upstairs.

I was extremely tired from today and all I wanted was to go to sleep. It's already 1 am. I fall on my bed, so happy to even smell the fresh sheets. I pull my self under the blanket, staring at the wall. I don't hate him. I thought. I just hated that he forgot about me. He never talked to me ever since the x-factor ended. He said he was busy, but so are his mates. But they still get the chance to talk to me once in a while.

My train of thought came to an end, because my brain was a tired as I was and I fell into a deep sleep before I even knew it.

I woke up to the sound of talking in my living room. for a minute, I got scared, I thought someone broke in. Then I relized it was Harry, probably talking to someone on the phone. I slowly get out of bed and get ready for the day.

I walk downstairs seeing Harry still on the phone. I waved and walked into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. I took a big bite out of it, munching on it slowly. I heard a "good-bye Liam" in the backround. I heard footsteps coming my way. Harry walked past me and stood there watching me eat down my apple. I began to chew the fruit awkwardly, knowing that someone's observing me eat. "can you stop that?" i ask nicely, having a hint of additude. "Stop what?" He asks innocently. "Watching me eat.. It's creepy." i say, finally finishing my apple, throwing it away. "I wasn't watching." He defended himself. "sure.." "Promise! I was just thinking about things. I zoned out." he explained. "Whatever." I grab my phone and keys from the table near the door. "where're you going?" He asks, following me. "Out." I walk over to my car.

"Can I join?" He smiles, hoping I would agree. "No." I could see his smile fading away a little bit. "But why?" "I don't want you joining me." "Why?" "The fans or paps would think we're dating and all, then it would be all over the internet. We'll probably get more hate than usual and it's gonna be one big mess." I explain. "Why?" "Because they don't want their precious little Harry dating anyone." "Why?" Ok. this is getting stupid. "I'm leaving." I open my car door. "Pizza's in the fridge if you get hungry." "But I wanna go with you!" He whines. I thought about it for a second. Is leaving him all by himself in my house a good idea? Maybe I should take him... I don't want my house to be on fire when I get home. I sigh in defeat,"Fine. You may join me today." He jumps up and down, clapping his hands. "Well?" I ask, raising and eyebrow. "What?" He asks, still standing there. "are you gonna get in the car or what?" I point to the passenger seat. "Oh!" He runs over to the other side of the car, getting in. swear to god he acts like such a kid.

"Where will we be going today?" Harry quietly says. "I don't know dumbass, What's in front of your face?" I point out my window. "Buildings?" He asks. I sigh,"I think you're acting dumb on purpose." "No..." he smirks, obviously telling me he is. Just as I get out of the car, Louis' calling me.

"Hello?" i spoke into the phone. "hey, is Harry with you?" he says on the other line. "Yeah, why?" "Um, we have a gig tonight! I'm at soundcheck with the other lads." "You guys have concert?!" i almost yell into the phone. Harry looks at me, probably thinking I'm some wacko. "He told me that he's free all day, so I took the kid to Beverly hills." I say, my voice softer. "That idiot.." Louis grumbles. "Well please get him back." Louis begs. "Fine." I hung up.

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