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A few weeks have passed and they all made it through. They made quite a few video diaries talking about their lives and answering fan's questions. Louis told the world that he liked girls who eat carrots. There was that pigeon doll that he always used to carry around at school. Wasn't the name Kevin?

It was the week that it was down to three competators.

After the boys sang their song, it was time to vote in. I grabbed my phone and started voting for One Direction like mad. It went to the point of where i couldn't vote anymore and the show came back. I turned off my phone and gripped it, the case could break off. I was praying the boys would make it into the finals. The host, i forgot his name said. "The public have voted and I'm about to reveal which two acts have recieved the most votes and will compete head to head." He continued, me not paying attention to what he was saying.

He announced the first one, who got the most votes. It was Max. I sighed in frustration. No, there's the next slot left. I wss hoping it was One Direction.

"The next one, who got the next most votes is..." The host trailed off. "It is.... Rebecca." I nearly cried my eyes out. I can't believe this. I then noticed I threw my phone on my sofa, happily I didn't throw it on the ground. And the boys? They look gutted! I feel so bad. I felt small tears rush down my cheeks as i watched more of the show.

The boys gave Rebecca a hug, being the good sportsman they all are. "I need you boys, come here." The host spoke. Even Simon was disappointed One Direction didn't make it through. "Ok guys, we are going to talk to you, for now lets look at your time on the x-factor." He said.

There was a little video of all the boys' auditions and where it all began. There were bits of their performances and the fun adventures they had. It almost made me tear up again. The camera went back to them again. "I can see by your faces, you're absolutely gutted." The host said. "What were the highlights" he continued. "It's been absolutely incredable. For me, the highlight was when we first sang together at the judges' house and you know we've done our absolute best, we've worked hard." Louis says smiling in the mic. "Zayn." The host says. "What's gonna happen to One Direction?" "Uh, we're definetely gonna stay together." He says twitching his eye a little. "This isn't the last of One Direction." He smiles. "And Simon. These boys, I mean" and i zoned out again. But i went back to when Simon said a few words about him being gutted and all, him thanking the fans who voted for 1D for the past few weeks, all that. "This is just the beginning for these boys." Simon finishes his small speech. "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for One Direction. " the host says and the crowd roars with cheering and clapping.

Harry calls me after 5 minutes they exited the stage. I could tell he was crying. "Harry." I began. "No, it's fine." He says between a choked voice. "Harry. I'm so sorry." I say with sympathy. "But hey.. this isn't the last you'll hear of us." He sniffled. I laughed quietly, a long silence bewtween the phone. "Hey." He says agian. "Thank you." He tells me. "For what?" I ask. "For being there for us. For me. You were cheering us on, even if you weren't there by my side the whole time. You were there for me when i got nerveous. You're always there for me. I know, i sound like a sap with a stupid speech, but it's true. Thanks Ari bear. Love ya and miss you loads." Harry laughs a little bit. "No problem. Anything for you." I say holding onto the neckalace he gave me. "Well.. I better be going." He hangs up. This isn't the last you'll hear of One Direction.

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