"Melody, Melody!" Ryan yelled as he ran up the hall to her. "What? What?" Melody asked as he caught up with her. He puffed, catching his breath. "I just ran from the gym, give me a minute." He huffed. Melody leaned against a set of lockers, waiting for him to catch his breath. "I found something important and you have to see it!" He exclaimed with a big breath. "What could be so important during your office aid hour?" Melody asked.
"Please tell me you have a study hall right now." He panted. "It's your lucky forty five minutes, Ryan." Melody replied to him and they entered the library. Ryan gave the librarian the pass for Melody. "Come on, you have to see this." Ryan said and tugged on her hand before they ran down the hall and steps.
They walked through the first floor and into the office aid's office. Ryan took his seat to his desk that he shared with other office aids in other hours of the day. "Come here," Ryan demanded and slid another chair to face the computer. Melody sighed and took a seat next to him. "I got bored, so I looked at past teachers, and I found this." He scrolled up to decades ago. "Does this look familiar?" He asked and highlighted a name.
Clifford, Haylie
Journalism 10-12
English 9-12"Oh my God, Ryan, you're a genius!" She exclaimed and hugged him from his side. "I know I am, but there's more. We can look at her information like where she was born, when she started working here, what schools she went to and taught at." He said and clicked on her name. "Privileges of being an office aid." He mentioned with a smile.
"What do you want to look up?" He asked. "Do the high school." Melody requested. "Alright," he said and copied the school name into Google then clicked a link that was to the school.
"Warren High School CUSD 205 was closed due to the fact of the shortage of students and teachers. The school was created in, a whole lot of boring facts. Uh, let's see they have graduation years, maybe you're mum's year is in it." Ryan said and looked at her graduation year and found it on the school's page.
"Here, we are." He remarked and clicked on Ford. "Haylie Ford plans on going to community college for two years then transfer to a four year degree of English or Journalism. She received a list of scholarships. Haylie Ford was in the school's choir all four years and three of the school's musicals during her high school career. She also participated in Solo and Ensemble for two years, rewarding a red and blue ribbons. Ms. Ford said had not been in any sport teams during her four years. She had stated, "That no matter what people thought, theatre kids had worked harder than sports kids because they need to memorize every song including notes, rhythm,etc, they need to know dances, when to come in, where to move sets while sports kids only memorize lines and score and make sure the other team doesn't.
When I grow up, when and if I have a child, I hope I can tell them stories about the plays I was in and the ones I saw. I hope they go into the music side of high school too."
"Well, you did what you're mum wanted you to do when she was in a senior. What else do you want to know?" He said. "Does the high school have any pictures of her?" She asked. "Hold on," Ryan replied and scrolled some. "What do you want to look at? I got senior pictures, chior dash theatre, journalism, and homecoming dash prom." He mentioned. "Do theatre dash choir." Melody replied and he clicked on it.
There was the unexpected bell, which made Melody slightly upset. "I gotta go to English, see yeah Ryan." Melody pouted and left.
Baby Clifford
RastgeleMelody is a 100% daddy's girl when she's little. "Give me a big hug and kiss." She quickly wrapped her small arms around Michael tightly and gave him a quick kiss on my lips. "I love you." Michael said. "I love you more." She said in his ear. That...