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Me and Samantha walk into school and we headed to our first class(Science) we sit down and notice that there are a bunch of new kids, but there were two that caught in our eye.
They were twins we didn't know their names or anything about them, but we caught them starring at us and when we looked at them they quickly looked away. "What's up with them?" Samantha asked. "I don't know, maybe th-" I said before someone cuts me off. I turned around and saw Sarah. "Hey!" she said. "Oh hey" I said looking up at her. She sat down across from us "I feel like I haven't seen you guys in like... forever!" She says loudly. "Yeah. Same" Samantha replies. Before I can say something back the teacher starts talking. "Hello class my name is Mr. Brown, I'll be your science teacher for the year and before we get started I'd like to introduce some new students." He said pointing at the new students.
      Three students stood up and made their way way up to the front of the room. The first student to introduce them self was a girl named "Emily". The next two people to introduce themselves was the two twins that kept looking at us earlier.
"Hello" one of them started "My name is Marcus" said one of the boys "And my name is Martinus" said the other boy. "Well hello Marcus & Martinus!" Mr. Brown said. "Why don't you tell us a couple things about yourselves?" Mr.Brown said with excitement in his eyes "Okay" said Martinus nervously "Well we are twins as you can see!" Said Marcus. "We moved from Norway" Martinus said looking up at the ceiling. I could tell that he was super nervous he was all red and he wouldn't look anyone on the eye. "So that's why you have a funny accent!" Laughed Spencer from the back of the room. "Yeah, I guess." Said Marcus confused. "We also like to play football, oh wait sorry soccer it's called football in Norway so we might take a little bit getting used to saying soccer." Marcus explained. I saw Spencer roll his eyes at Marcus's explanation but if course I couldn't say anything about how rude he is because Sarah has a huge crush on him. I looked away and looked at Samantha. She had a sparkle in her eye and she looked like she was trying to hide a smile but she couldn't help it.
I think she was looking at Marcus but I couldn't tell. I looked back at the front of the room "
Alright, well I'm very glad you moved here you guys!" Mr. Brown said. Martinus mumbled something but I couldn't hear. "Everyone we are gonna assign seats" he started before the class groaned. "Really guys it isn't that bad!" He said. "Alright" he started pointing at the first table.
"Sarah, Michael, Anna, and Spencer." He said. Sarah squealed with excitement running over to the table. "Okay now the next table, Callista, Martinus, Samantha, and Marcus." He said I headed over to my table and sat down next to Samantha. The boys looked really uncomfortable which made me really uncomfortable so I decided to  make everything less uncomfortable. "Hello?" I said.

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