Hospital(part 2)

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I woke up in sooo much pain it was unbearable! I wanted to speak but I couldn't. I looked around but no one was in the room. I was in more pain now than yesterday that I could remember if that makes sense. A nurse came into the room with a bowl of water and a wash cloth and started dabbing my head with it. "W-What i-i-is going on?" I asked. "You have a fever and we are going to operate on you later so you don't feel as much pain sweetie" she said while still dabbing my forehead. "I- Is Martinus G-Gunnarsen... in a w-worse con-condition t-than me?" I asked. She stood there not wanting to say. "Well... I don't really know how to say this but he... well he might die that's how bad of a condition he is in right now" she gave me a sad and sorry kind of look. I started to cry but it hurt and I've been crying so much and I have lost a lot of fluids so it was blood shot. I used all my force to sit up. "He c-can't d-d-die!"
I screamed. "Can I s-see my f- fr-friends? Can t-they come i-in?" I begged. "Only for a minute or two" she said. She walked out and came back with them. Samantha eyes were all red from crying and so was Marcus's. Emma's face was red too but not as red. There parents had a few tears running down their faces. "Are you her parents?" The nurse asked. "No, we take care of her because of her father" Mrs. Gunnarsen said. The nurse nodded. There mom walked over to me. She kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you!" She whispered. "It's a-alright" I said trying to fight tears back. "C-Can I have a m-m-mirror to s-see how I l-look?" I asked. She nodded and pulled out a pocket mirror because that was all she had. She held it up for me to see. I started to cry. I was pale of sickness. I had a black eye. I had a cuts on my lips, cheeks and forehead. She moved the mirror down to my arms. I saw that they were bandaged up but the blood had bleed through a bit. The nurse wouldn't let her lift up the blanket to reveal my legs but she told me that they were bandaged up too. The nurse lifted up my hospital gown to show me where I had been shot. I was shot a little bit above me hip but not in the ribs thankfully and it was bandaged up as well. "The shot had damaged a lot of nerves so we are going to have to operate on her later" she said to Mr. and Mrs. Gunnarsen. They nodded. Emma walked over to me and gave me a hug. "I hope you feel better" she said with a tear running down her face. I just smiled a weak smile. Sarah came over to me and held my hand. "I just want you to know that you were an amazing friend!" She said. Next Marcus came over and hugged me and kissed my cheek(in the sorry way). "I love you dsue!" He said while giving my hand a quick squeeze. Then Samantha came over. "All I want is for you to live!" She said. "I will fight for you guys! I promise!" I said. "No don't fight for us... fight for Martinus!" She said. I nodded while a tear streamed down my face. I felt my eye sight get blurrier and it started to get harder for me to breathe. My ears started ringing. The nurse called for back up and the next thing I knew was that I was being wheeled down the hall way. I looked into a room. I saw an awfully familiar face. Except it was all beat up and he was very badly hurt worse than me and that's when I realized that it was Martinus. And then everything blurred and it became dark.
*After operation*
I looked around I was in a new room. More machines and beeping noises were around me. Every breath was a struggle but I managed. I new nurse came in. "Hello dear my name is Nurse Maddison I'll be your nurse for a bit" she said. "C-Can I a-a-ask you somet-thing?" I ask. She nods. "C-Can I s-s-stand up a-and w-walk?" I ask. She shook her head. "You can tomorrow but not right now" she said. "Now gets some rest it's getting late" she said. I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

This chapter is really bad but I hoped you liked it comment for more💗

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