The Mall

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I woke up next to Martinus in a hugging position. I tried to get up but he was holding on tightly. "Martinus I have to get up!" I whispered in his ear. "Why!?" He whined. "Because I wanna make you breakfast!" I said. "Alright!" He groaned. I jumped up and I was just really happy and energetic which is strange for me because I am NEVER like this in the morning! I guess I'm just happy that I have a boyfriend. I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got dressed.
*Callista's outfit*

I went down stairs and started to make pancakes

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I went down stairs and started to make pancakes. Samantha walked into the room and just rolled her eyes at me and then sat down at the table. I dropped what I was doing and turned around. "Okay! I see that you mad at me! I'm not blind! What's the hell is wrong?!" I yelled. She looked away. "Speak bitch!" I yelled. She started to cry. I rushed over to her and hugged her. "I'm sorry!" She said while wiping her eyes. "It's okay! I shouldn't have said that!" I said while trying to calm her down. "It's just... I'm afraid that you'll forget that I'm your best friend and you'll replace me with Martinus!" She said. "Samantha that was the seventh grade we're in the ninth grade now! And you will always be my best friend! No body could ever take your place! Not even Martinus and he's my freakin boyfriend!" I squealed. She laughed and we both finished making the pancakes and we left some for the boys. We went into there living room and decided once the boys woke up we would tell them that we were gonna have an all girls day. Martinus came down stairs and Marcus followed. "Hello beautiful!" Marcus said while looking at Samantha. "Hey sunshine!" She said in a baby voice. "Hey babe!" Martinus said while hugging me. "Hey banana!" I winked but I made it one of those really obvious, bad winks. Martinus laughed. Both boys went into the kitchen and started to eat. "Hey guys is it okay if me and Samantha go to the mall?" I asked. "Yeah of course it is! We have to go to football practice so yeah you guys can go." Martinus answered. "Alrighty! Thanks!" We both said while heading upstairs.
(Samantha's POV)
I'm glad she knows now. I'm glad me and her are gonna hang out today. I'm glad that me and Marcus are dating. I'm glad that she and Martinus are dating. I'm just glad about everything! We rushed upstairs and I got dressed.
*Samantha's outfit*

And we also decided to call our other friends

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And we also decided to call our other friends. We don't see them as often as we used to cause they moved two towns over. We called our really good friends Hannah and Sheyla. Hannah had blonde hair, hazel eyes, she has freckles on her checks. She's really funny, caring, sensitive(verbally and physically.) Sheyla has black hair and brown eyes. She's kind, funny, caring, and sensitive too like Hannah. "Hey Hannah!" I said when she answered the phone. "Omg hey!" She said. "Wanna go to the mall today with me, Samantha and maybe Sheyla?" I asked. "Yeah sure it's better than laying down on the couch all day with Jacob(Sartorius)" she laughs. I giggle. "Alright! Well we'll meet you at the mall." "Yep!" She said. "Well I'll see you in an hour! Bye!" I say as I hang up.
(Callista's POV)
I decided to call Sheyla because Samantha was calling Hannah and I wanted Sheyla to know so yeah. "Hey Sheyla!" I said once she picked up the phone. "OMFG! Is this Callista!?" She said in a sarcastic tone like she didn't know it was me. "OMFG! I think it is!" I laughed. "Well anyways what's up?" She asked. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me, Samantha, and Sheyla?" I asked. "Yeah I'd love to!" She said. "Alright we'll see you in an hour! Meet us there at the food court!" I said. "Okay! Bye!" She said before I hung up.
*Car ride to the mall*
"Ahhhh!" We all screamed when we saw each other. We ran up to each other and gave each other a hug. "It's so good to see you guys again!" Sheyla exclaimed. "Yeah!" I said. "So what's up?! What's new?!" Hannah asked. Me and Samantha looked at each other and started. "Well... we got these new neighbors!" Samantha started. "Hopefully there girls!" Hannah joked. "Nope they are boys and... they are twin brothers, they are in our grade, and we might be dating!" I squealed. Both Hannah's and Shelya's mouths dropped and then they both smiled widely. "OMFG! This is amazing! Have you guys kissed? How long have you been dating? Is he worthy of you?" Sheyla asked. "Um yeah we have kissed!" I blushed. They both squealed. "Well me and Marcus have been dating for a week and Callista and Martinus have been dating for a couple days!"
Samantha squealed. We all just smiled and went to a lot of our favorite stores. We went to American Eagle, Forever 21, Bath & Body Works, Lush, Sephora etc. we went to the food court and then we went to go find an ice cream shop and FINALLY found one. As we were leaving I got a text from...

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