I miss you

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I sprang out of bed. She grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs. She ran into the kitchen and everyone was in there except Martinus. "I'll go get Martinus!" Camryn whispered. She ran upstairs and came back with him. Everyone looked scared while I was just dazed and confused. "What's going on?" I asked. "My brother" Samantha said looking mad. "Why? What did he do?" I asked. Samantha grabbed my wrist and slowly opened the kitchen door. "Look through the window of the front door" she whispered. I nodded. I walked closer. I peeked through the window and saw Connor standing at the front door. I raised one eyebrow. Then I looked down at his hands and he was holding a gun. "What the fuck?!" I screamed. Samantha grabbed my arm before Connor could see me. "Shhhh! Be quiet!" She snapped. "Why? Why is he here?" I asked. "I don't know!" Samantha said. "I'm gonna go see!" I said while walking out of the kitchen. She grabbed my arm. "No! Don't! You don't what he'll do!" She said. I yanked my arm out of her grasp and put my hand on the doorknob. I slowly opened it. Connor smirked. "Callista no!" Martinus yelled. He pulled me back and tried to shut the door. Connor kicked it open and pointed the gun at Martinus. I stood between Martinus and Connor. "Move!" He yelled. I shook my head. "Kill him, kill me!" I yelled. He pushed me out of his way. "Say goodbye to your precious girlfriend!" He yelled. I ran in front of him and pulled the gun out of his hand. I was holding the gun completely scared. "Connor.... I don't know what the hell is going on with you but... it has to stop!" I cried. "You realize that you are hurting me right?!" I screamed. "I miss the old you! I miss the Connor that was my friend! I miss the Connor that was happy, and made me happy! I miss the Connor that I love!" I screamed. He started to cry. I didn't know what to do. I walked over and hugged him. "Just please! If you ever have a problem or need help just... tell me! I'm here for you!" I said. He nodded. I kissed his cheek in the friendly way. "Now, please tell me what's going on" I said. He shook his head. "Do you wanna tell me alone?" I asked. He nodded. We walked outside in the front porch. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked down at his feet crying. I lifted up his chin. "Please tell me!" I said. "Katie forced me to! When we first met she was all sweet and nice, but then she asked if I was in previously in a relationship. I obviously told her yes and she freaked out! She said if I didn't start hurting you, she would ruin my life! And I didn't want anybody to be hurt so.... I did it!" He said. "But why... why did you go insane?" I asked. "Because knowing that you hated me it killed me everyday! I missed you! I still wanted you to love me! And when you said I hate you my heart shattered into a million pieces!" He said. I shifted my weight. "But, you do really love me?" He said. I did a slight nod. "But I'm not positive! I could be completely wrong!" I said. He nodded. "I would kiss you but your dating Martinus" he said. I did a small laugh. I kissed him on the cheek. "Just so you believe me" I said. He smiled. "I should probably go back home now..." he said. I nodded and waved goodbye. He walked off the porch and left me there smiling. I walked back inside. "Is everything okay?" Marcus asked me. "Um... uh... yeah definitely!" I lied. "Sure! What happened?" He said sarcastically. I looked down at my feet ashamed. "Can we talk about this in private?" I asked. He nodded. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside. We walked into the woods so nobody could see us. "Okay, so what happened?" He said. "We were just talking and then I just kissed him on the cheek to show how much he means to me" I said. Marcus shook his head and rubbed his forehead. "And what if Martinus finds out?" He said. "What do you mean? You are saying that like I'm cheating on him" I said. "Cause that's what your kinda doing" he said. "No, I'm not cheating on him.... okay yeah I can see it now!" I said. "Well he was just so sad and I wanted to make him feel better, so I just kissed him!" I said. "I'm sorry" I added. "Don't worry he'll understand, just don't do it again!" He said. I nodded. "Thanks Marcus!" I said. "No problem dsue!" He replied. I walked back home. The door was locked so I rung the doorbell. And to my surprise....

CLIFFHANGER!!!! Want me to post more???

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