Is he cheating on me?!

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I woke up with Martinus's arm around me. I smiled a wide smile and rolled over. "He's so cute, even when he sleeps!" I thought. I just stared at him for awhile until he woke up. "Mornin!" I said while sitting up. "Mornin!" He said while rubbing his eyes. "Do you feel okay?" I asked. He nodded. I stood up and he did too. I handed him his crutches and I helped him down the stairs. "Good morning you two!" Mrs. Gunnarsen said with a smile. Before we could reply a door slammed shut and we heard stomping down the stairs. I walked out of the kitchen. I saw Samantha flung the door open and run outside. I ran after her.
{Samantha's POV}
I woke up and I have had suspicion about Marcus. I already knew his password so I grabbed his phone and unlocked it. I walked out of his room, and went into mine. I looked through all his pictures and texts and then I saw this.

 I looked through all his pictures and texts and then I saw this

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I gasped. "He's been cheating on me?" I thought. I scrolled through his texts and at the bottom I found some girl he's been texting.
Random Girl: Bold
Marcus: Underline

Random Girl: Hey babe😘
Marcus: Hey💓
Random Girl: So where do you wanna go out tonight?💗
Marcus: idk
Random Girl: We could go out to pizza?!😏💖
Marcus: Sure! Gtg to football practice love ya bye!
Random Girl: ilysm💗bye!

Tears were streaming down my face. "How could he do this to me?!" I thought. I stomped out my room and flung Marcus's bedroom door open. He looked surprised and then he saw the tears of anger running down my face. "Whats wrong?!" He asked while walking over to me. "You've been cheating on me?!" I said. He looked confused. "Don't play dumb with me Marcus Gunnarsen I know you are!" I said while holding up his phone and showing him the picture. He was about to say something but I just stomped down the stairs and ran outside.
{Marcus's POV}
I was confused when she said I was cheating on her. Then she showed me the picture. I was about to say that was my Ex and we broke up awhile before I moved here but she just walked away. Why would she think I was cheating on her? I love her!
{Martinus's POV}
Callista headed for the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To go get Samantha!" She said in a duh tone. "I'm not losing you again!" I said. "I'll be careful!" She said. I sighed and let her go find Samantha. I sat down and put my leg up. I was supposed to change my bandage. I called for my mom to come help me with all my bandages. We took the ones off my arm and legs first and then my torso. It still hurt but not as bad. But I remember even when I was unconscious I was still thinking about Callista and if she was okay.
{Callista's POV}
I ran out the door and followed her. She came to a sudden stop. I catched up to her. "Samantha what's wrong?" I asked out of breath. She looked at me with a tear rolling down her face. "I think Marcus is cheating on me!" She said. I gasped. "Let me see the evidence!" I said. She handed me his phone. I looked at the picture and Marcus looked much younger in that picture. "Don't you think Marcus looks wayyyy younger in this picture?" I said. "Yeah... so?" She said. "Well it might be an old picture of him and his old girlfriend" I said. "Well... look at the texts!" She said. I looked at the texts. I looked for context clues to see if he really was cheating on her. The last text he sent was 'We need to talk so meet me at the school' and usually when people say we need to talk it means they are gonna break up. I looked at when it was sent and the date said December 3rd, 2015 and it was October  12th, 2017 right now. "He's not cheating on you! He broke up with her" I said. "Really?" She said. "Yep!" I said while popping the 'P'. We walked home and went inside. Marcus and Martinus were talking and Marcus was crying. He stood up and hugged and kissed Samantha. "I would never cheat on you and you know that!" He said while hugging her. "I love you!" He said. I looked down at my feet felling bad that I've never said 'I love you,' but I don't know what love is so I can't really say it. I walked away and into the kitchen. Emma was sitting at the table coloring. "Hey Emma!" I said. "Hey!" She said. "Where's Martinus?" She asked. "He's out there" I said. "Why aren't you with him?" She asked. I shrugged. "Samantha and Marcus were just saying how much they loved each other and I felt bad that I haven't said that to Martinus so I just left" I said.  She just nodded and went back to her coloring. I got up and went back into the living room. Martinus was on the couch napping and Samantha and Marcus were watching a movie. I sat next to Martinus and held his hand while he was sleeping. "Maybe one day... I will fall in love?!" I thought.

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