Back to school:/

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I woke up and then I realized Martinus wasn't in bed with me. I frowned and got up. I went to the bathroom and got ready.
*Callista's Outfit*

I walked downstairs and Samantha and Marcus were sitting at the kitchen table

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I walked downstairs and Samantha and Marcus were sitting at the kitchen table. "Any news about Martinus yet?" I asked. Marcus shook his head and I felt tears form in my eyes. I know he's okay, I shouldn't be worrying but as his girlfriend that's what i do. "If we don't get a text or a call about Tinus we'll go to the hospital to see him!" Samantha said. I smiled of approval and we went to school.
(At school)
When we arrived in our first class people ran over to us. "OMG! Are you okay!" And "I'm soooo sorry that I was never nice to you I'm sooo sorry!" People would say. I jut gave them a quick smile and made my way to my seat. Sarah walked over and gave us all a hug. "Good to see you guys back!" She chimed. Samantha nodded. "Yeah I'm glad to be back at hell!" I said sarcastically. They all laughed and we sat down. The teacher started and then we had a few more classes until lunch.
(At Lunch)
A bunch more people sat with us today, which was unusual. Samantha saw that I was getting uncomfortable. "It's okay. There probably gonna leave soon enough" she assured me. I don't think so. We were kinda famous around the town now. 'Girl with abusive father shoots her and her boyfriend!' Was like... everywhere!!! People were always asking me if I was okay like if I was gonna die in a few minutes. I just wish Martinus was there with me. When we left school I ran up to their house. "Finally!" I yelled. They laughed. "Was anyone else getting sick of all the attention?" I asked. "YES!" Marcus and Samantha both said. I giggled. "Should we call now?" Marcus asked. "Yes! I've been DIEING to call him all day!" I exclaimed. Marcus pulled out his phone and called his mom. After about five minutes on the phone Marcus hung up. "What did she say?" Samantha asked. "He's gonna stay there for another day but he's sure he'll be back tomorrow!" Marcus said while shrugging. I frowned again and headed up stairs. I got a text
Unknown: Bold
Callista: Italic

Unknown: meet me at the soccer field
Callista: who is this?
Unknown: you'll find out just come here... alone

I was done with all this shit of being captured. "Hey guys!" I said while running down the stairs. "Someone just asked me to meet them at the soc- I mean football field so can you guys come but hide cause they wanted to me to come alone" I said. Samantha and Marcus exchanged looks. "Fine!" Marcus sighed. We headed outside and reached the football field. "Okay hide here!" I pointed. They crouched down and I walked away. "I'm here!" I yelled. While looking around. "Hey!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned around and it felt someone pushed really hard on a bad bruise. I fell to the ground clutching my face. I looked up and saw Spencer. He kicked me in the shin. "Your boyfriend isn't here to protect you now!" He said while pulling me up. I hit him and since my nails were kinda long they cut his face a bit. "Stay the hell away from me Spencer!" I yelled while backing up. He put his hands in my throat. "You leave the hell away from this earth!" He yelled. He let go and I fell to the ground. I gasped for air and when I looked he was gone. Marcus and Samantha ran over to me. "Are you okay!" Samantha asked. I nodded. I felt someone behind me. I turned myself that way and saw Joey next to me looking down at me. I stood up. "Joey I thought I told you to stay away from me!" I yelled. "I'm sorry I just saw you hurt so I came over" he said while standing up too. I rolled my eyes. I turned around but he pulled me back. We got very close. Joey seemed to enjoy it but I felt very uncomfortable. I pushed him away. "Ugh! Joey!" I said. He smirked. "Ugh! Your disgusting! Fuck off!" I yelled. I stomped off. "Who's that?" Marcus asked. "The boy I was telling you about... the one who hit me!" I said. "Ohhh... that shit!" Samantha said. "Yep! Exactly!" I said. We all smiled and walked home. When came inside Emma ran up to me. "YAY! You're back!" She said while hugging me. "Did your mom pick ya up!" I said while hugging her. She nodded and I walked into the kitchen. "Hello Callista!" She said sounding very happy. "Hey! How's Martinus?" I asked. She smiled very wide. "He's gonna be back tomorrow he's going to be on crutches until he feels like he can walk without help!" She said. I smiled. "But he WILL be here tomorrow?!"'I asked not trying to push it. She laughed and nodded. I squealed in excitement. To be honest she feels like the mother that I never had! I helped her with dinner and then I went outside. We all played football and then Mrs. Gunnarsen called us in for dinner. We ate and I headed upstairs. Emma wanted me to sing to her again. "You pick the song!" I said. She flipped through the pages and then she found one. "Ikke gå fra me! Baby du vet e trenger deg! Ah! Det blikket der! Nesten så jeg tror du hater me!" I sang. When I finished she was asleep again and I headed to my room again. I got into my pj's.
*Callista's Pajamas

I wanted tomorrow to come so desperately that I fell asleep as fast as lightning

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I wanted tomorrow to come so desperately that I fell asleep as fast as lightning.

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