Sleepover(part 3)

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I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore. I fell and kept sobbing and looked up. I was at the beach and I just sat there curled up and cried like a baby. I know this sounds ridiculous for me to cry over one silly yell but I'm very sensitive. And it hurts even more when it's by the person that you might like and they are hurt by you encasing their privacy. So I cried. He just reminded me of my dad and then I just started having flash backs of my dad hurting me. So I just ran for my life and I ran as far as my legs could carry me. Soon enough I settled down and just looked up at the stars. I stood up and decided to walk around a little bit before I went back to their house. I was just dipping my feet in the water until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I turned around but I couldn't see his face or make out who it was because it was dark out. "Your coming with me" the mysterious man said. "No I'm not!" I yelled while punching him in the jaw. I made a run for it and then I felt something pull me back. "Let go of me!" I screamed. "No!" He yelled back. I kicked and punched and tried to run but I always seemed to lose. "What the hell do you want from me!" I screamed. "Everything!" He yelled while hitting me. I gave him a blank stare, he smirked. "I want what you love the most or else death!" He yelled while pressing a knife against my throats. I punched him right in the mouth. "I don't have love!" I screamed. "And I never will!" I screamed while squirming from his tightened grip. "Then I guess I'll have to take you life!" he said while throwing me on the ground. He kicked and punched me. I tried to scream but he knocked the wind out of me. Everything became darker and darker until I could see no more. I could still hear but my eyes sight had just stopped and the last thing I heard was "Leave her alone!" Before I everything stopped.

I woke up and I was in a chair and my hands were all tied up and I was bruised head to toe. "What happened?" I said until I had a flash back to that night. My eyes widened and I started to squirm around in my chair. "Stop!" Someone yelled. He pushed my chair back and then all of a sudden I noticed that this was one of my dads friends. "What the hell do you want!" I screamed. "I thought I already told you!" He yelled. "Oh yeah you did! I just don't listen ass hole!" I said in a snobby attitude. "Don't give me attitude!" He yelled while hitting me. My lip was bleeding I had a cut above my eyebrow and I was bruised on my cheek. "What are you gonna do! Kill me?!" I screamed. He smirked. He walked out and slammed the door. I squirmed and squirmed until my hands were loose. I stood up and noticed that I still had my phone. I called Martinus. "Martinus I need help!" I yelled through the phone. "Callista! I've been trying to call you for the past three days where are you! I need to find you!" He sobbed. "I'm okay just a little beat up. I'm at this wear house and it's near the beach." I don't know how I knew that but I just did, until I had the flashback of when the man picked me up and he was bringing me to the wear house and I saw a dark figure laying in the beach, Martinus all beat up from trying to save me. I breathed heavily into the phone just thinking of Martinus being hurt and trying to save me. "Callista are you okay?! Please don't stop talking! All call the police it's okay just keep talking!" He kept yelling through over and over again into the phone and then I heard in the background. "Mom! Dad! Call the police!" Martinus yelled. I heard sobbing in the background too. It was Samantha and Marcus was trying to comfort her. "It's okay! She's okay! Martinus is talking to her right now!" He said. "Everyone get in the car! The police will meet us there!" Their dad yelled in the background. I started to breathe even heavier. "Callista stay with me! Don't stop talking! We're coming to get you everything is going to be alright!" He yelled and sobbed through the phone. "Martin-" said before I fell on the ground and everything went black.

Want me to keep writing? Well I'll be writing a lot tomorrow! I have an eight hour car drive😭well I hope you liked this chapter🖤bye my lovely potatos💗

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