Does he care about me?

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I was crying for about an hour until I heard a knock on the front door. "Oh shit!" I yell. I burst through my door and practically fell down the stairs because I was running so fast. I slid into the door and threw it open. "What the he-?!" Martinus says before I put my hand over his mouth. I run up stairs and shut my door. "What the hell are you doing here!?" I yell. "You didn't answer any of my texts or my calls!!! I just got super worried I had to come over!!!" He yelled with tears in his eyes. I sat down on my bed and tears started to form in my eyes too, Martinus must have seen the tears in my eyes so he sat down next to me. "I j-just don't w-want you g-getting h-hurt" I say between sobs. "I don't want you getting hurt either. That's why I came over... to protect you." He said. I noticed that he was crying too I couldn't help myself. "Come here." I say pulling him into a hug. We hug for about a minute and then I break the hug. "Can I see... the cuts." He said while wiping his eyes. I pull up my sleeves. The cuts were worse than before. My arms were all red and they were covered in blood they sting like crazy. "Oh shit!" He says. "How bad is my back?" I say while beginning to lift up my shirt a bit. "He gave you his belt!" He yelled with anger in his voice. "Martinus calm down my dad will hear you!" I whisper. "I don't care I rather him hurt me than you!" He yells even louder. I hear footsteps. My face got as pale as hell. "Martinus you need to go!" I yell while opening the window. I could see an scared expression on his face. "Climb down that ladder and run over to you house!" He nodded. He climb out the window and looked back at me. "Tell me when I can come back and get you." I rolled my eyes. "Okay! I will! Now GO!" He climbed down the ladder and ran to his house within seconds I could see him in his bedroom window. I sat down on the ground and started to cry a little bit. My door flew open and in walked my..... mom? She grabbed my hair and pulled me up. "You damn child!" She says while slapping me in the face. "I thought I told you to listen to your father!" She says as she slaps me again. "I wish I never owned you! You worthless piece of shit!" She screamed. I looked down at the ground and started to cry. "Your stupid, your ugly, your fat, your worthless!!" She screams. "W-well maybe y-y-you could b-be there for m-me!" I say nervously. "What the hell did you just say to me!" She yells at my face. "MAYBE YOU COULD BE THERE FOR ME!!! DAD IS ABUSING ME AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!!! YOU SAY YOU GO TO WORK ALL DAY BUT NO!!! YOU GO TO THE BAR!!! YOU MAKE ME AND CAMRYN  DO ALL THE WORK AROUND HERE!!! YOU TREAT CARA LIKE A SLAVE!!! YOU TREAT ME LIKE TRASH!!! YOUR JUST A PLAIN OLD BITCH!!!" I scream as loud as I can. She pushed me as hard as she can into the wall. I put a dent it the wall and the she grabs a vase and throws it at me. It hit my arm thank god it didn't hurt my head but I still felt the tiny pieces of glass digging into my skin. "YOUR THE REAL BITCH!!! YOU WORTHLESS FUCK!!!" She screams at me before she slams the door and stomps down stairs. I look out the window and see that Martinus isn't there anymore I manage to stand up and see Martinus climbing up as fast as he could up the ladder with tears flowing down his face. I lost my balance and fell to the floor. Martinus flung the window up and bent down to pick me up. I looked at him to see his reaction he was as pale as fuck and he was crying his eyes out. I put my hand on his cheek he looked down at me with worry in his eyes. "I'm gonna be okay." I said. He nodded and ran inside. "MOM!!! MARCUS!!! HELP!!" He yelled. "What Martinus? Is everything alright?" His mom said. "Oh my god dear are you alright!? Who did this!?" She said while running to my side."I'm a-al-right" I said "N-no-no I'm n-not a-al-alright." I sighed. I looked at my arms they were bleeding more than before. He usually only gives me one slash on each arm but this time he gave me three deep slashes on each arm. My upper arm was bleeding like crazy. Their mom looked at me in fear and yelled for Marcus. "Marcus!!! Can you please get me the first aid kit!" She yelled. "Why?" He asked sounding like he was just asleep. "Just do what I say!" She yelled even louder. Marcus ran down stairs with the first aid kit in his hand and said "Mom why do you need the- OMFG!!!" He yelled while looking at me with worry. "MARCUS!!!" She yelled. She grabbed the bandages and took off my sweatshirt(good thing I had a tank top on) she bandaged up my slashes from my dad and the vase shattering all over my arm from my mom. Then she asked "What are these red marks all over your back from?" I froze. Should I tell her or lie? I went with the lie. "I accidentally hit my back on a tree." "That's not what happened!" Martinus yelled. His mom gave him a look like "What are you talking about Martinus?" Kind of look. "Her dad is abusing her!!! He cuts her and hits her and I can't bare to see it any more so she is staying here with us!!!" He yells while crying. "MARTINUS!!!" I yell. I cross my arms and gave him an annoyed stare. I could tell he felt bad I wasn't mad at him I was actually glad that he told someone about it but I wasn't thinking his mom to be the person to tell. I actually feel relieved to know that he cares about me. "I have to go to the bathroom" I said. "It's upstairs" there mom says. "Thanks" i said. I start heading up stairs until someone gently grabs my arm.

Is this a good chapter? I feel like it's a little meh but tell me what you think. Should the next chapter be about everyones perspective? Tell me what y'all think! Love y'all😘

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