Sparks flew

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{Connor's POV}
I was so embarrassed. I mean... alright this is gonna be hard to say but... I have always liked... Callista. I know we are just friends and that's all we're ever gonna be but she was so hurt I don't know why but maybe I could convince the girls to sleep in my room where me and Ethan were sleeping. We all sat down and me and Callista didn't sit near each other. "Why aren't ya sitting with your bae?" Ethan teased. "We don't like each other in that way Ethan we're just... friends!" I said. Samantha started the movie and we watched it. I kept glancing at Callista and every time I looked at her she was looking at me and then we would quickly look away. The movie ended and we all headed upstairs. Me and Ethan went to my room. "Hey Connor your sis is hot!" He said. "Yeah" I sighed a sad sigh. "Well to bad you can't get her!" I said. "I can totally get her!" He said. "Well not saying that she wouldn't like it's that she has a boyfriend!" I said. "His names Marcus" I added. He looked mad but Ethan was always that kind of guys who would move from one girl to the next. "Hey do you wanna go ask the girls to come hang in here?" I asked. He shrugged and he pushed me towards their door. I was nervous and I don't know why. I knocked three times.
{Callista's POV}
"So what were you doing with my bro out there?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "We were talking about... stuff" I lied. "Not you weren't! You guys were gonna kiss!" She yelled. "Can you keep it down?!" I said. "But you and Martinus are dating!" She said. "No, were not! He doesn't remember me and once he does we can get back together but as if now we aren't dating anymore!" I snapped. Before she could say something someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw... Connor? "Um... hey Connor?" I said in shock. "Uh... hey?" He said. "So d-do y-you guys, I mean g-girls wanna go h-hang out in my r-room and just t-talk?" He asked nervous. I nodded with a big smile which made him smile. We walked to his room down the hall and we all just sat on the floor and talked. "Wanna play truth or dare?!" Samantha squealed. "Sure!" I said. After a few truths or dares it was my turn. "Callista, truth or dare?" Asked Ethan. "Uh... truth!" I said. "What's your deepest darkest secret?" He asked. "Uh... I don't know! Maybe that I'm afraid of spiders but isn't everyone?" I said. "Fine I'll do another one!" He said. "What's the worst thing about your family?" He said. I froze. My face turned bright red. "I-I don't wanna say!" I said. "Why not is it really bad?!" He said. I didn't respond. "Do your parents abuse you?!" He asked. When he said that I tear rolled down my cheek. "They do abuse you!" He said in astonish. "Well maybe it's because your not wanted!" He smirked. I looked at him dead in the eye. "If you know what's good for you then I would shut up!" I snapped. "Maybe it's because your a worthless piece of trash!" He yelled. "Stop it Ethan you don't know what she's been through!" Connor yelled. "None of you know what I've been through!" I yelled. "Maybe it's because your a bitchy little girl that is worthless and unwanted!" He yelled in my face. I pushed him away from me and grabbed the knife from Connor's dresser that I was cutting myself with earlier. I gave myself three cuts quickly. "STOP CALLISTA!!!" Connor yelled while trying to grab it from me. I pushed him away from me and he banged his head on his bed but he didn't hit his head to hard that he blacked out. After I cut myself I walked towards Ethan with the knife in my hand and it made him back away into the corner of his room. "I HAVE BEEN ABUSED EVER SINCE I WAS LITTLE!!! I WISH I COULD DIE!!!" I screamed. I put the knife to my heart. "CALLISTA!!!" Connor yelled. He pulled the knife away from me and put it on the floor. "What the hell is going on?!" Their mom said while charging into the room. She saw the knife and my arms and gave me a worried look. I walked right past her and ran out side. Connor ran after me with tears streaming down his face.

 Connor ran after me with tears streaming down his face

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(Sorry but Griffin is just really hot ok!)

"CALLISTA PLEASE STOP!!!" He yelled. "WHY?! I'M SICK OF ALL THIS SHIT!!! I JUST WANNA DIE!!!" I yelled. "IF YOU DIED I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD TO WITH MYSELF!!! I ALREADY LOST LUCAS AND I CAN'T LOSE YOU!!!" He yelled. "Why do you care so much for me?!" I said. "I don't know..." he said while looking down at his feet. I started walking back. I was walking and then I felt someone hold my hand. I looked to my side and saw Connor holding my hand. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm holding your hand because I don't want you to run away!" He said while still crying. "Stop crying please!" I said. "I can't!" He sobbed. "Please! I hate it when you cry!" I said while wiping a tear off from his cheek. "Meet me outside once everyone's asleep... okay?" I said. He nodded and we walked back. "Where the hell were you?!" Their moms boyfriend, Chris yelled. "I'm sorry it's just we were... going for a walk!" Connor lied. "You're lying!" He yelled. He grabbed a knife. "Excuse me but what the hell do you think you're doing!" I yelled. I he pushed me away. I took a quick picture on my phone to show his mom and I just stayed on the floor crying as Connor got cut for me. Connor fell to the floor once he was done. "And stay there!" He yelled. He walked away and went upstairs. I ran over to him. "Connor!" I sobbed while hugging him. "Give me your arms!" I said. He shook his head with tears streaming down his face. I just grabbed one of his arms lightly so it wouldn't hurt him. We washed it and then I bandaged it. "It's gonna be sore for a couple days but it should heal" I said. He nodded. I wiped away another tear. "It's okay Connor... I'm here!" I said while engulfing him in a hug. He cried into my neck silently but I didn't mind. We went upstairs and their mom was in the hallway. "Mrs. Dunnero! I need to show you something!" I said. I grabbed Connor's hand and made him so her the cuts. She gasped. "Why would you do that to yourself Connor?!" She said. "It wasn't him... it was Chris!" I said. I showed her the picture and she gasped. She went into her room and in minutes he was thrown out the door and all of us were laughing our heads off. "Where's Ethan?" I asked. "He went home he claimed he didn't feel well!" Samantha laughed. We all just rolled our eyes and then soon enough Samantha was asleep. I walked outside and waited for Connor. He walked outside. "Hey!" He said. "Hey!" I said. "I need to show you something!" I said. He nodded. I pulled up my pants revealing a scar. He gasped and looked at it amazed. It's spelled out his name. I used to do that about two years ago when Lucas died and I felt lost because we didn't hang out anymore. "Does Samantha know?" He asked. I shook my head. "I need to show you something too!" He lifted up his shirt a bit and on his rib my name was spelled out. "I did that kinda recently" he said. I smiled. Then he just grabbed my hand and ran. "What are you doing?!" I laughed. "You'll see!" He said. When we stopped I looked around and we were at the school. "Why are we here?" I asked. "So you know how in school there are rules?" He said. I nodded. "Well I've broken a ton of those rules but I wanna break one rule so bad but I have never done it!" He said. "What rule?" I asked. "Rule 68" he said. I laughed. We started shifting our weight. We stepped closer to each other. I put my hand on his cheek. He put his hand behind my neck. We leaned in slowly. The sparks flew. I was kissing one of my best friends but now more!!

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