I guess i do like him💗

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I woke up from having a terrible dream. I was sweating and shaking all over. My dream was about Martinus being depressed and he kept hurting himself and it was all because of me. I started to cry. I've been crying a lot lately and it's just because so many things are going on and my emotions just take over. I looked around the room I was the only one in there so I decided to get up and just go to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror I was healing but I was still hurt. I walked back to my bed and fell asleep.
I woke up and I saw Samantha in the chair next to me asleep. "Sam? Wake up!" I said while shaking her awake. "I'm up! I'm up!" She said while sitting up. "What are you doin here?" I asked. "Um didn't they tell you that you were going home today?" She said confused. "Um no! They never tell me anything at this hospital!" I said. Samantha laughed and I walked to the bathroom and got dressed
*Callista's outfit*

 Samantha laughed and I walked to the bathroom and got dressed *Callista's outfit*

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"Ya ready bish?" Samantha says. "Yeah I'm always ready to get out of a shitty hospital!" I laugh, she laughs to and we get into the car and head to Marcus & Martinus's house. "Hey guys Callista's out of the hospital!" She yells. I heard thumping coming down the stairs and then someone small attack me from behind. "Ahh!!! Emma you scared me!" I yelled. She giggled. "Come play with me!" She says. "I will in a minute I just wanna say hi to everyone else. Okay?" I say. She just nods and runs away. "Hey!" Marcus says hugging me. "Hey dude! Did ya miss me!" I say while nudging him. "Nah! Not really!" He giggled. I playfully punched him and then asked him "Where's Martinus?" "'Oh he went for a walk he'll be home in a minute" he says. "That bitch didn't want to see me!" I sat in a sarcastic voice. Everyone laughs and then we go into the kitchen. I notice Marcus and Samantha looking at each other with googly eyes. "Is there something going on with you two?" I say. They snap out of their gaze at each other's brown eyes game and look at me blushing. "Psh! No!" Samantha says. "I gotta go to the bathroom!" Marcus says trying to get out of the question I just said. I burst out laughing and fall out of the chair I was sitting in. "Stop your embarrassing me!" Samantha says while blushing. Before I could respond I heard the door open. "I'll go see who it is" I say. I walk out of the kitchen and into the front room and see Martinus taking his shoes off. "Martinus!" I yell as I run over to hug him. He didn't hug back and I knew exactly why. "Look I'm sooooo sorry for what I did for you! It was rude and cruel for me to say all of that to you! You deserve better than that! I know I was such a bitch! It wasn't even me it was like my emotions took over my whole body and my mouth just started to run I didn't mean anything I said! I promise! Please forgive me!" I said. He just gave me a blank expression and walked up to his room. I pressed my back against the door and just slid down and started to cry. "Callista what's wrong!?" Samantha said while trying to comfort me. "I messed up big time! I'm such a bitch! I can't believe I would ever say that to my best friend!" I said. "Is she okay!?" Marcus asked while kneeling down next to me. "I'm hurt. Not physically but mentally." I respond trying to stop my crying. "Why?" Marcus asked. "Well remember the other day how I was a complete bitch to Martinus?" I asked "Yeah?" "Well he just came in through the door and apologized but he just didn't except it I guess and I feel just so bad but it wasn't even me speaking it was my emotions it was like my brain wasn't even working that day!" I sobbed. "I'll talk to him" he said. He walked up stairs and we heard yelling in Norwegian and I could understand most of it. "Hvorfor er du sårer henne?! Hun unnskyldet seg! Hvorfor kan du ikke uten at det?!"("why are you hurting her?! She apologized! Why can't you except it?!") Marcus yelled. "Meg såre henne?! Hun er den som hare såret meg!"(me hurt her?! She's the one who hurt me!") Martinus yelled back. "Hun bryr seg for deg Martinus veldig mye! Og hun er knust! Komme ned når du finne ut hva du kommer til å si till henne!"(she does care for you Martinus very much! And she is heartbroken! Come down once you figure out what you are going to say to her!) then Marcus slammed the door shut and stomped down stairs. "Well that went well!" I joked. "Oh yeah it went very well!" Marcus said sarcastically. "Can I tell you guys something?" I ask. "Um yas you can tell us anything!" Samantha says. "I'm really confused if I like.... Martinus?" I say smirking. Marcus's eyes widened. "After what all he's done to you!" He yells. "Marcus I'm the one who started all of it!" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah but-" he started. "Marcus this is my problem! I can deal with it! I'm the one who started it so I'm the one who's gonna finish it!"

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