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I ran outside running as fast as I could. I finally reached my secret place and looked around with tears streaming down my face. I saw a shadowy figure walking away with their head hanging down. I squinted and realized that it was Connor. I ran after him. "Connor please stop!" I pleaded. He turned around and I noticed how red his eyes were, he looked like he's been crying for hours. I jumped on him and hugged him. He put my feet back down on the ground. "Please don't do it! I didn't know that I hurt you! Please Connor!" I yelled. Tears streamed down his face. "I have to!" He said while taking my hand. "No you don't! Please stay with me Connor!" I yelled. "It's not my choice!" He yelled. "I don't want to! You are the best thing that's happened to me!" He exclaimed. Then I noticed something was bothering him. "Connor what's wrong?" I said. "I don't want to make anything worse!" He said with more tears pouring down his face. "Connor please tell me!" I said. "I'm going away... to a boarding school" he cried. I gasped. "But Samantha said you didn't have to!" I said. "She didn't want to tell you the truth and she told me that you were going through a lot so I didn't want to tell you either!" He said. "Connor!" I said while hugging him. He hugged me back. "When are you leaving?" I asked. "Tomorrow" he sighed. "Can you stay with me tonight? Before you leave" I sniffled. "Of course!" He said. He kissed me and I smiled a sad smile. He gave me a piggy back ride until we reached the house. We walked inside quietly and headed up in my room. I grabbed my pajamas and got ready and then I let Connor have the bathroom. I went to my room and saw Martinus sitting on my bed. "Callista?" He said confused. "Yes Martinus?" I asked also sounding confused. "You were my girlfriend?" He said. I nodded. "Are you still my girlfriend?" He asked. I shook my head. "Can we just be friends? And when I get my memory back then everything will be the way it was before!" He said. "Martinus it's not gonna be the same. I'm not gonna have a boyfriend. I'm not gonna love anyone in that way. We can definitely be friends but not what we were before." I said while my voice was shaking. "Why not?" He asked. "Because... because I'm sick of having my heart be broken and have myself be hurt and have to worry" I said while a tear rolled down my face. Martinus walked over and wiped it away. "Thanks Martinus" I said while smiling a weak smile. He smiled back. Then he left. A walked over to my phone and waited for Connor to come out of the bathroom. He came back and he hopped on my bed. "So before I leave I was thinking that we should get in trouble?" He said. "Connor! Your going to a military school because you cause to much trouble if you caused anymore you would probably go to jail!" I laughed. "True!" He said while smiling. We snuggled and watched a movie. He pecked me on the lips and I smiled. "When I come back... I won't be hurt if you don't want to date me again or if you are with someone else, okay?" He said. I nodded. "And I won't be hurt either if you don't want me back and if you have a girlfriend" I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead. I fell asleep in his arms protecting me from any harm. I woke up and Connor wasn't there. I looked at the time. It was around 7:30 I looked around and saw Connor standing in the door way with a huge duffel bag. "That's a huge bag!" I said while rubbing my eyes. "I have more bags!" He sighed. I got up and got dressed.
*Callista's Outfit*

I walked out into the hallway and Samantha was lookin like the bomb

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I walked out into the hallway and Samantha was lookin like the!
*Samantha's Outfit*

com! *Samantha's Outfit*

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"DAMN GIRL!" I said. She smiled. I could tell she wasn't in a good mood either about Connor leaving. I wasn't either but was trying to stay positive even though it was hard, but Connor wouldn't want us to be sad. We all walked outside. My eyes started to well up with tears. Since me and Samantha were the only ones outside besides his mom he only had to hug us. He hugged Samantha first and they both started crying. Then he came to me. He grabbed my hands and I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't help it so I just started crying. He wiped away my tears and he started to cry too. "I'm gonna miss you!" I said while kissing his forehead while standing up on my tiptoes cause I'm short. "I'm gonna miss you more!" He said while kissing my cheek. "I'm gonna miss you the most!" I said while kissing him in the lips. It lasted for about 10 seconds and then he pulled away. "Don't forget me!" I yelled while waving goodbye. "Me? I would never!" He said while opening the car door. He climbed in the car and they drove away. Me and Samantha chased after the car waving goodbye and blowing kisses. The last thing we saw before we stopped running was Connor crying and making a heart with his hands and mouthing the words "I love you!" Before I could mouth anything back to him he was out of sight. Once me and Samantha stopped running we hugged and cried with each other. We walked back home and went into my room and cried. Marcus and Martinus rushed in concerned. "What's wrong?!" He asked looking at our faces covered in tears. "C-Connor w-w-was shipped o-off t-t-t-to military s-school!" I sobbed. Martinus rushed over and hugged me. It felt weird being back in his arms and not being in Connor's but he was gonna be gone for a year so I might as well get used to it.

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