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I was pulled back and fell to the floor. I looked around super confused and saw Connor standing there looking at me in complete disgust. Then I realized he was holding a knife. I stood up and felt my arm. My hand had some blood on it. My teeth clenched and my face turned bright red. "Oh is she mad?" Katie said in a baby voice. I glared at her. Connor just stood there smirking. Samantha saw me and she realized that I was about to explode. Her eyes widened because she knew that when I got this mad it NEVER ended well. She ran in front of me and pushed me up against the wall to hold me back. "Calm down!" She said. I wasn't focused on her stupid breathing exercises I was looking at Connor and Katie. She let me go and Martinus held me up against the wall. She walked over to her brother and started crying. They were really close and if one was hurt by one another they would always apologize. "Connor... you're a monster!" She said. Connor's expression slowly calmed down. I pushed Martinus away. I just stood there. "You've become like Chris! You've become some type of criminal in my eyes! I'm scared of you!" She yelled. I walked towards him. "You've became like my dad.... but... I'm more like him!" I said. Everyone looked at me. Katie walked over to me and pushed me down. I fell to the floor. She open a drawer and pulled out a gun. She pointed it at me. "Say goodbye!" She yelled. I stood up. "If you wanna do it then do it quick! I don't wanna see anyone faces when I get shot" I said. Connor looked at her and then looked at me. I looked away from him. "So much for a friend" I said. Connor instantly stepped in front of me blocking me from getting shot. "What are you doing Connor?! Move!" Katie said. He shook his head. "If you shoot her you shoot me!" He said. She put the gun down. Connor took it out of her hand. I rolled my eyes. "Do you really think I'm gonna forgive you?" I said. He turned around. "Um yeah kinda... I just saved your life!" He said. "No you didn't! You just stood in front of me and talked to Katie! And I'm never gonna forget what you said to me! You can try all you want but Connor Jackson Dunnero I will always be hurt from you! I've been hurt by you so many time by you, cause we would fight, we would be best friends, and then we dated and we broke up! I used to cut myself for you! But now I finally see the truth! I think we should take a break... a long break!" I said. He had tears for in his eyes. My heart told me to hug him but my brain said no. I didn't want to debate on what I should do so I just walked out of the room and into the car. A few minutes later Martinus came to the car with no one else. He climbed in and hugged me. "I'm proud of you" he said. I smiled. We looked at each other and kissed each other. "I have something for you!" He said. He pulled out a small box and opened it. It was a beautiful necklace.
*What the Necklace looks like*

*What the Necklace looks like*

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I gasped. "It's beautiful!" I said. He smiled. "I knew you would like it!" He said. I lifted up my hair and he put it on. "Omg! Martinus! You really didn't have to!" I said. "I know, but I wanted to!" He said. I hugged him. He put his hand behind my neck and kissed me. It turned into a kinda, little make out. I smiled and pulled away. I noticed that everyone was exiting the building. "Oh shit!" I said while fixing myself a bit. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Well ya fam is comin back and I don't want it to seem like we were just making out!" I yelled. He smirked. They entered the car and I saw Marcus and Samantha laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. They looked embarrassed. "Uhhhh... nothing?!" They both answered quickly. "You guys were making out again weren't you" Martinus said. "Marcus Gunnarsen!" Their dad said. "What?" Marcus replied. "You are to young to make out! And have sex!" He said. "What the hell dad! We aren't having sex we only kiss!" Marcus yelled embarrassed. "Well once when I was younger I-" Mr. Gunnarsen said before Martinus cut him off. "Dad! We don't need to know that!" Martinus said. We all laughed. When we arrived back home Camryn grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room. "Callista we have a huge problem!" She said. "What?" I asked. "So, we all know our dad is dead and gone for good but mom isn't!" She said. My eyes widened. "She might find us and capture us and then we'll all be beat to death!" She said as tears formed in her eyes. "Camryn! Mom is in a mental hospital and they told me that she is so crazy and insane that they might kill her and she is to insane to even realize anything!" I said. She nodded. "Just if you get any mysterious text or call and they tell you to go somewhere please don't do it!" She said. I nodded. I hugged her and walked out and into Martinus's room. I smiled and flopped on his bed and laid right next to him. "G'night Tinus!" I said while kissing his forehead. "G'night Cali!" He said while kissing me. "New nickname for me?" I said. He nodded. And then we fell asleep peacefully.

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