I dont know

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"You aren't gonna get Martinus are you?!" I yelled. My dad just smirked. I started to cry. "You said that you wouldn't hurt my friends! You promised!" I screamed. He grabbed me by the throat and that's when I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my hands through the rope and jumped up. "Touch me one more time I dare you bitch!" I screamed. He started to walk in circles around me. "I'm not afraid of you bitch!" I screamed. He charged at me and pushed me up against the concrete wall. He started to punch and kick me. I grabbed a piece of medal near by and hit him with it. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Some guy picked me up and tried to put me back into the chair but it didn't work. I pushed him away and then punched him. To be honest I didn't know that I was a bad ass chick. My dad stood up and he grabbed a gun out of his pocket and put it to Samantha's head. I froze. "Get back in the chair or I'll shoot!" He said. I just stood there. "SIT!" He yelled. I sat down while two guys tied me even tighter this time with more rope. They left while I tried to catch my breath. "Are you okay?" Sarah asked. I just nodded even though I was clearly going insane. After about an hour of sitting there in silence we heard talking outside the door. "He's hard to find sir! Every time we find him he runs away!" A man said. "Well find him! Bring him to me and I'll deal with him!" My dad laughed.
(Sarah's POV)
I felt so bad for Callista. Her dad was the worst. I wish I was there for her but of course I had to be an ass hole and date that crap Spencer. Ugh! She was obviously not okay when I asked her if she was okay. I mean I'm scared myself that I'm captured but I'm mainly scared for what's gonna happen to Callista.
(Marcus's POV)
I'm scared. I've never been captured before but the scary thing is that Callista seems totally okay with being captured? Like what the hell?! When I got captured Callista flipped out and she honestly started attacking everyone but Sarah whispered to me that she freaked out when a new person got captured. She said she cared more about us than herself. I was crazy ass scared and I saw that there was a pile of our phones in the corner of the room but of course I was on the far end of the room so I had no hope of getting myself and everyone else out of this shit.
(Samantha's POV)
Okay! Wow! I've been sitting down in this fucking chair all day and I'm sick of it! Honestly I can't! "Callista!" I yelled. She looked up and looked tired as fuck and just nodded her head. "Yes?" She said politely. "I don't know how you go through this shit all the time! I'm honestly tired of sitting down on this freakin chair and my ass is actually starting to hurt!" I screamed. She just gave me a blank stare. I knew it was not the best time to complain but I just had to get it out. "That's really what your gonna say right now?!" Said Sarah. "I'm sorry! I just needed to complain for one second now I'm done!" I said. "I have a question!" Marcus said. "How?.... why? Is your dad out of jail?" He asked. We all looked at Callista and she started.
(Callista's POV)
"My dad said he killed the police officer that stood outside his jail cell and he escaped! He didn't go into that much detail" I said. Everyone looked shocked and worried. "What?" I said. "We're scared of what he'll do... to you!" They all said. "I don't want you to worry about me!" I said. My dad charged into the room. "What do you want now ass hole?!" I yelled. He punched me. "You realize that no matter how much your gonna punch me I'm still gonna annoy you... right?" I said. He punched me again. "I'm still gonna annoy you!" I repeated. Then he started to kick, punch and hit me over and over again. Until I blacked out.
(Martinus's POV)
"Callista!" I yelled. It was almost 2 in the after freakin noon and we still haven't found her. But I swear to god someone is trying to capture me or somebody is trying to stalk me. I have seen the same guy at least three times today and he has been holding a bag and then he chased after me once but I got away. "Callista where are you!?" I yelled while sobbing. "I want you! I need you! I love you!" I whispered to myself before I fell asleep on the soft grass in my front yard.
(Callista' POV)
I woke up and nobody was in the room besides my dad and a huge wall kinda thing. I looked around , I was on the floor. I wasn't tied up. I could run. Every single inch hurt of my body but I was still capable of running. I sprinted to the door but it was locked. "Sit" he said while pointing a gun at me. I sat down on the floor in the back of the room and slid down the wall and then finally sat down. "I have to ask you a question" he said with a smirk on his face. "If it's any last words than I don't give two craps" I said. "Nope!" He said. "Then what!?" I growled. "So would you rather die alone in this room or in your precious boyfriends arms?" He said in a lovey dovey voice. "I don't know? Probably in my boyfriends arms?" I said confused. "And do you love your boyfriend?" He asked. "Umm...?" I said. "Do you love your boyfriend?!" He yelled. "I-I-I" I stuttered while standing up. "DO YOU LOVE YOUR BOYFRIEND!?" He yelled and then he pulled Martinus out from behind that wall and he was tied up to a chair crying and he was all beat up. I fell to the ground crying at how hurt he was. "I d-don't know!" I said. "I knew you would never love!" He said than he pointed to gun at Martinus's head. "STOP!" I screamed. I ran over to him and shielded him from the gun. I fell to the ground in pain I laid my head on Martinus's lap. "I'm sorry!" I cried. He cried with me and my dad untied him. "I still really like you!" He said. I nodded. "I still really like you too!" I said. I stood up, "Now shoot me for heavens sake! If your gonna shoot me do it now! You have the gun! Here's my head! As long as you let my friends go!" I said. He nodded. "But one more thing before I leave!" I said. I ran over to Martinus and hugged him as tight as I could. We fell to the ground hugging each other. "I like you so so sooooo much!" I said. "Me too!" He said. We looked into each other's brown eyes and cried even harder. We leaned in and kissed each other, it was the longest kiss we have ever done it was about ten seconds and then I broke it. I stood up and walked over to my dad and he pointed the gun at my head. "Goodbye Martinus!" I said. He sobbed. I closed my eyes waiting it for everything to just end. I heard the gun shot but felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw Martinus laying on the ground. He took the shot for me and then I heard another shot and that's when I felt a searing pain touch my hip. Everything went black.

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