It hits and then leaves

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I woke up and Martinus was gone. I sat up and looked around the room. I started crying. I heard foot steps rush to my side. "Callista, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Martinus said. "I thought you left me" I said. He hugged me. "I-I" he said. "You what?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nothing" he replied.
{Martinus's POV}
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I checked my phone and I was a text from my mom. I read it and it said "We need to talk." I raised an eyebrow. "What would she want to talk about?" I thought. I took an uber to my house and walked inside. My mom, my dad, Marcus, and Emma were all sitting in the living room. "Kids we need to tell you something" my dad said. "Okay, what?" I said. They looked at each other and back at us. "We're moving" my dad said. "WHAT?!" Marcus yelled while standing up. "We need to move back to Norway for your career" my mom said calmly. I looked at the ground stunned. I felt sick. I stood up but I was dizzy. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Honey, are you okay?" My mom said while rubbing my back. "JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! WILL YOU?!" I yelled. "Martinus Gunnarsen, language!" My mom snapped. "MY SOURCE OF WORDS IS THE LEAST OF MY PROBLEMS NOW!" I yelled. My mom rolled her eyes. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I HAVE FRIENDS HERE! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND HERE! AND THERE'S NO WAY THAT I'M BREAKING UP WITH HER! AND WHERE IS SHE GOING TO LIVE WITH HER SISTERS?!" I yelled. "We found someone who would love to adopt her and her sisters" My dad said. "WE'RE A THING! IS THAT GONNA HAVE TO END?!" I yelled. "You were never a thing!" My dad yelled. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Then what are we? Acquaintances? Friends? What the hell are we then?!" I yelled. "If you guys were a thing then you wouldn't have broken up repetitively! And if you were a thing you would've considered marrying her when you're older!" He yelled back. "Well maybe I have!" I yelled. I stormed past them and ran back to the hospital. I wiped my tears away. Running made me feel free. It made me feel free like Callista was. She's always had a free soul. She was the kind of girl you couldn't tame, no matter how hard you try. That's one reason why I love her. I ran into her room and she was crying. I rushed by her side. "Callista, are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked. "I thought you left me" she sniffled. I froze and tears started to form in my eyes but I fought them back. I hugged her so she didn't see the tears in my eyes. I thought I should tell her. "I-I" I stammered. "You what?" She asked. "Nothing" I replied. "I'll tell you later" I added. "No, tell me now" she smiled like it couldn't have been bad news. I looked down at my feet. "Martinus? What's wrong? Tell me, what's wrong?" She said.
{Callista's POV}
Something was clearly wrong with Martinus. "Martinus? What's wrong? Tell me, what's wrong?" I said. He looked up and a tear streamed down his face. "Before I tell you, just know that I love you so much!" He said while squeezing my hand. I nodded while biting my lip. "I'm moving" he cried. I let go of his hand. My expression went blank. I put my feet on the cold tile floor. I got dizzy and I was all wobbly. "Callista?" He said. I started to fall down. "Callista!" He yelled. He caught me and stood me up. I pushed his hands away. I turned around. My vision was really blurry and I could feel myself rocking back and forth on my feet because I was so dizzy and weak. I fell into his arms. He picked me up and carried me to my bed. He stroked my hair. "Why?" I cried. "My parents want me and Marcus to pursue our career in music" he said while a tear fell from his face. "But you came here for your career" I said. "I know, but my parents want me to go back to Norway. It's no use for me to fight against them. They make the decisions around here!" He cried. I sat there looking up at the ceiling. Tears were falling freely from my face. I looked at him. "You won't  forget me, will you?" I asked. "I would never ever forget my first love!" He said. He leaned in and kissed me. We made out. After we finished I was put into a wheelchair. "I can walk" I lied. "No you can't, you're not strong enough yet. Tomorrow you will." The nurse that was pushing me around said. "Will I die?" I asked. "No, you are just having uncontrollable flashbacks that's all" she replied. "No, not from that. From the person I love the most leaving me?" I said. "Honey, love will always stab you in the back. Love is a uncontrollable thing that happens. It's like a disease. It hits and then it leaves. You will heal. But love, love is the best thing that can happen to you!" She exclaimed. I smiled. "Thanks" I said. "No problem, now just relax, you have a long day ahead of you" she said. I nodded and sat back in the wheelchair.

Next chapter or the one after the next one will probably be the last chapter and then I'll write my sequel! I have another idea for another book and I don't know when to write that, so tell me if I should do it after the sequel or nah! I love ya💗

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