Sleepover(part 1)

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I turn around and see Martinus. "What?" I say with an irritated tone. "Come on!" He says dragging me down the stairs. "Why!" I yell as he pulls me out the door. "Don't ask questions just walk!" He says. After about five minutes of walking we finally reach our destination. "What are we doin here?" I say. "Well you said if we need to tell each other something important we should come here." He says. "Okay then what do you want to tell me?" I ask. "So this is gonna be kinda awkward but..." he trails off. "What?" I ask. "I like someone". My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Really?!" I yelled. "Well do you like someone?" He said. "HA!!! Nope! If I did like someone they would least likely like me cause I'm a disgusting piece of shit!" I laugh. "No your not! Your really pretty and any guy would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend!" He yelled while laughing. He looked a bit disappointed though when we walked back to their house. "What do girls like?" He asked out of no where. "Well it depends on the girl. "So who do you like?" I said while nudging him. "I can't tell you! But I can maybe tell you what she likes?" He said. "Well that would be helpful!" I laugh. "Well she is really pretty, she's funny, smart, she likes to dance and sing, she likes food(doesn't everyone😂) and yeah that's most of the stuff I could think of right away." He said. "Well are you gonna ask her out?"
I ask. "Maybe but she doesn't really like formal things." He says. "Well Martinus if she doesn't like formal things either surprise her or just ask her out and let her decide where to go." I said. He smiled so it made me smile. "Why is he soooo freakin cute?" I thought.
{Martinus's POV}
I knew she couldn't stay for much longer because her and Samantha were gonna have a sleepover so I just decided to blurt out "Hey since you and Samantha are having a sleepover we could all have like a squad sleepover?" I ask her. "OMG that sounds awesome I'll text Samantha to tell her that we're all gonna have a sleepover." She squeals. Then all of a sudden my phone buzzed. I looked down at my phone and my smile slowly faded into a frown. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Is everything okay?" She asked again. "She's sooo caring" I thought. "Uh... it's nothing" I lied. "Okayyy" she says sarcastically. I read the text it was from Spencer and it said...
Spencer: hey guys! Parents are out of town wanna have a party?!? Chicks will be there😏😍
I quickly texted back...
Martinus: sorry dude I wish I could but you know to day is my sis's b-day😔      I lied. I didn't want Callista to know. It would break her heart if she knew that I had Spencer's number but I only had it was because he was on my football(soccer) team so I had to have his number.
{Samantha's POV}
I was a little disappointed when Callista told me the that we were gonna have a sleepover at Marcus & Martinus's. It's not that I don't like them or anything like that it's just... I kinda wanted to tell her about Marcus but hey maybe I still could... right? Well anyways I got packed and headed to their place and saw that they were all sitting on the couch laughing. "Aye!" They all yelled when I walked into the room. Marcus handed me a piece of pizza and said "Here you go my lady" I giggled. We watched a movie and every time I looked over at Marcus he seemed a little bit closer to me which I didn't mind. Soon enough his arm was around me and I was burying my face into Marcus's chest every time there was a scary part.
{Marcus's POV}
Every time I looked at Samantha it seemed like her smile grew even wider every time I got closer to her and when scary parts happened in the movie she buried her face into my chest which I liked. I felt like her protector. I made her feel safe. About half way through the movie we both put our hands and the popcorn bowl and they touched. I felt an electric spark go through my body. "Oh sorry" she said while smirking. "It's okay" I giggled. We both shoved popcorn in our mouths and then before I new it that same electric spark went through my body. I looked down at my hand and she was holding it! I looked up at her with wide eyes and a slight smirk. She jut smiled and giggled and we stayed like that through the rest of the movie.
{Callista's POV}
Well that was just great! Everyone decided to watch a scary movie! And I do REALLY bad during scary movies! I was sitting next to Martinus so I knew I had some form of protection. Every time a scary part happened I practically jumped and buried myself into Martinus. When I jumped on him and squealed then buried my face into his chested he just giggled and held me tight."Nothings gonna hurt you. I would never let anyone or anything hurt you." He whispers into my ear. I just smile and look up into his sparkling brown eyes and just gaze into them. "He's just.... so caring" I thought. "And thoughtful and handsome and funny" and I went on and on about complements for him until the movie ended. I checked my phone it was about 1:15 and I wasn't tired yet. "What do you guys wanna do?" I asked. Every one just shrugged. Wanna play truth or dare?" Asked Marcus. "Sure!" Squealed Samantha. "Marcus truth or dare?" Martinus asks. "Dare!"
Marcus giggled. "I dare you and Samantha to sit in a closet for an hour in the dark!" Martinus laughs. "Ugh! Fine!" He yells trying to seem troubled by it. They both stood up and headed towards the closet.

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