New friends, and losing friends

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Martinus looked around and pointed at himself "Me?" He asked confused of why I said "Hi" to him. "Um yeah" I giggled "Hi I'm Callista Jenson" I said. "Oh hi I'm Martinus Gunnarsen" he said while turning red. "You seem nervous? You really shouldn't be" I said. "Why?" He asked "Its a new school, new people, new teachers so why shouldn't I be nervous!" He yelled. "Okay! Sheesh! I get that you nervous but you really shouldn't be." I replied. "Okay" he said calming down "Thanks" he said with a faint smile. "Your welcome" I said.
"And hey if you guys need anything here's our numbers!" Samantha said handing them both a piece of paper. "Okay yeah Samantha definitely has a crush on one of them" I thought to myself. "Okay class settle down" Mr. Brown started "We are gonna start out first project!" He yelled with excitement. The whole class room sighed with boredom and slumped back into their seats. "Hey!" He said "I'll let you guys pick your groups and they have to be in groups of four!" He said trying to cheer everyone up. Everyone scrambled around trying to form a group.
I turned around expecting Sarah to be running over to us but no? She and Spencer had their arms around each other! "WOW!" Samantha said, "That was unexpected!", "Yeah!" I said. We turned around and we had no one else in our group and neither did Marcus & Martinus so I finally said "Hey! You guys wanna be in our group?" I said with happiness "Sure!" They both said.
***Skip rest of class blah,blah,blah boring stuff***

Me and Samantha sat down at our usual lunch table and then we saw Sarah and Spencer holding hands walking towards our lunch table. "Hey guys!" Sarah said all jittery. "Um hey?, Who's that?" I asked even though I clearly knew who Spencer was. "Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot! This is my boyfriend Spencer!" She said with a wide smile across her face. "Hey, can we talk to you?" Samantha said irritated. "Um sure?" She said " I'll be right back baby!" She said while blowing a kiss to Spencer.
"What the hell!" Samantha screamed.
"What?!" Sarah said confused. "Why the hell are you dating him! You know what he did to me in the first grade right?!" I said annoyed. "Oh my god Callista that's in the past he's changed!" She yelled. "Really has he!" I screamed. "He hit me in the face last year! He called me names for as long as I known him! He punched me over the summer! And you don't even care!?" I screamed even louder this time. I could feel tears forming in my eyes just thinking about the harmful names he has called me, the way he would punch, kick, push, and scream at me. "Well of course I remember!" She yelled in my face. "How could I forget I was the one that comforted YOU when he would call you all those names but really I think you were the real problem!" She screamed. I froze. I could feel my face turn red with anger. By this time tears were pouring down my face.
"How c-could you s-say that?!" I yelled. "Cause it's true!" She screamed while pushing me down. "Stay the hell away from my best friend!" Samantha yelled. "Why?" She asked. I stood up while I screamed at Sarah, "YOU'RE A BITCH!!!" I screamed with tears coming down my face even harder. "OH REALLY I'M THE BITCH!?!?" She said while punching me so hard that I fell down. I heard footsteps I looked up and saw Marcus & Martinus standing there in horror Martinus ran over to me and bent down "Are you okay!?" He asked. He scooped me up and brought me to the nurses office.

I don't really know about this chapter, comment for more😄😜

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