Don't hurt him!

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Please listen to this song while reading🤞🏻

I woke up and I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I groaned and got up. I stood up and went into the bathroom, took a shower and got dressed.
*Callista's Outfit*

I walked back into Martinus's room and he wasn't there

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I walked back into Martinus's room and he wasn't there. I shrugged and grabbed my phone. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning Callista!" Mrs. Gunnarsen chimed while flipping a pancake. "Good morning! Do you know where Martinus is?" I asked. "He went for a walk" she said. I nodded and sat down. "So, what happened yesterday?" She asked while putting a plate in front of me. "We just went to go see Connor" I said. She nodded. Emma ran in crying. "What's wrong Emma?" I said. "I scraped my knee!" She cried. I put her up on the counter and it was a pretty nice scrape. "Well lets clean it first!" I said while putting her knee under the sink. Then I found a bandaid and put it on. "There! Good as new!" I said while lifting her off the counter. "Thanks!" She said while hugging me. "No problem!" I said before she ran off. I decided to go out for a walk to go find Martinus. I was walking for a bit and then I saw something on the ground in the grass. I walked closer and then I realized it was a person. I ran over and noticed that it was Martinus! I sprinted over to his side. He was thankfully awake but hurt. "What happened?!" I said. "I was just walking and then Katie attacked me!" He said. I looked down at his leg and it was cut. "Was anyone else with her?" I asked. He nodded. "Who?" I said. "Connor!" He said. I was so done with him. I stood up and helped Martinus stand up. I looked around and saw them walking away. I ran up behind them. "Hey!" I yelled while I was standing behind Connor. He turned around and I punched him. He fell to the ground. "Why are you hurting my boyfriend?!" I screamed. Katie cracked her knuckles. "Wooo I'm so scared!" I said sarcastically. "What the hell was that for?!" He yelled. I slapped him. "Answer my question ass hole!" I screamed. He stood up while clutching his face. "Well we saw him out on a little stroll and decided to have some fun!" He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Your idea of fun is hurting my boyfriend?!" I said. They looked at each other and smirked. "You really aren't the person that I grew up with Connor... I'm sick of having to deal with you and giving you pointless lectures! I'm sick of you always being up my ass! You just aren't... the Connor that I love!" I said. His expression changed. I couldn't tell if it was fear, anger or sadness. I turned to walk away but I felt someone pull me back. It was Connor. He pushed me to the ground. Him and Katie started to kick me. Then he kicked really hard at where I got shot. "STOP!!! PLEASE THAT'S WHERE I GOT SHOT!!!" I screamed. They didn't stop. I grabbed Connor's foot and pulled him down. Tears were streaming down my face. "I regret everything that we did together! I wish we were never friends! I regret ever loving you! But I guess when you love someone you can't stop it! But now... instead of my love you have my hate!" I screamed. I didn't kick him or punch him. Katie looked at me completely surprised. Tears were streaming down my face. I ran all the way home not giving two shits of what the hell I just did or said. I ran into my room and cried. Samantha walked in and hugged me. "It's my brother again isn't it?" She said. I nodded. "Want me to talk to him?" She asked. I shook my head. "Let him figure out this shit!" I yelled. She nodded. She figured that I needed some alone time so she left me alone. I was crying so hard that it hurt. Martinus walked in and hugged me. "Martinus I don't feel good, can you stay with me?" I cried. He nodded while hugging me. We both laid down. I laid down on his chest and he rubbed my back. I looked at his amazing eyes and kissed him. We did a little make out session and I felt a bit better. "You always know how to make me feel better!" I smiled. He smiled too. He pecked my lips and I laid down next to him. "You mean so much to me!" I said. "You mean so much to me that it's unexplainable!" He said. I smiled. "I really like you Martinus!" I said. "I really like you Callista!" He said. I smiled a big smile and pecked him in the lips. We laid down for a bit and then Camryn interrupted our quiet. "Callista!" She said while she flung the door open. "I need to show you something!"

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