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"So let's start from the beginning!" Emma started. I nodded. "So we'll start from the first day of school because you know that's when he met you!" She squealed. "How are you so... calm about this... me and Martinus being in the hospital?" I laughed. "Well... Martinus wouldn't want us to worry... he's a fighter he'll make it!" She said while hugging me. "So when he came back from the first day of school he and Marcus were smiling like crazy and they were the nicest they have ever been!" She giggled. I smiled. "So I went into Martinus's room and he was texting someone and he was laughing and smiling! So I asked him who he was texting and he kinda turned red and look nervous to tell!" She said with a big smile. "He does that when he's nervous!" I giggled. "Yep! So anyways he told me it was a girl named Callista, you! Then I remember ever since I asked him who he was texting he would not shut up about you!" She yelled. I laughed. "Yep, that sounds like Martinus!" I laughed. "My parents kept teasing him that he had a little crush on you and then Marcus finally admitted that he had a crush on Samantha and then he started to hang out with you more and more so his crush on you grew more and more!" She said with a big smile on her face which made me smile. Honestly she is the cutest little girl ever! "But..." she said. "Love can be painful! I remember when you caught him singing and you ran off he got angry not that you saw him singing, for lying to you!" She said looking guilty. "What did he lie about?" I asked even though I'm pretty sure I knew. "Martinus won't be happy that I told you but... they are very famous singers from Norway! Where we used to live and we moved here for there career!" She smiled. "I already kinda knew from Instagram!" I laughed. "Oh! Well anyways! When he saw that you figured out that he could sing he started yelling and cursing in Norwegian and English! My parents told him to calm down but he wouldn't listen! Then Samantha realized that you hadn't came back and you were gone for an two hours so Martinus started getting really worried and when we found you he started crying and then after you healed you got all mad at him and then he got sad so he acted mad so he started cutting himself and all that and it really scared me but he did it all for... you Callista!" She yelled. I noticed that I was crying a little and wiped my eyes. "Martinus is the light of my life and if anything happens to anyone in this family I will be there for you guys!" I said while giving her a big hug. "Thanks!" She said then the door burst open. It was there whole family standing there crying. "It's Martinus!" Samantha said. I stood up and ran out the door. I started to cry so hard that everything became blurry but I still ran. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around and saw Marcus standing there with tears streaming down his face and fear in his eyes. He gave me a look that said look through the hospital window into Martinus's room. I looked in and saw Martinus on his bed laying there in his bed in the worst condition that he has been in. "WHAT'S WRONG!!! WHAT HAPPENED!!!" I screamed. "Martinus almost... died" Marcus said. I fell to the ground in horror. "See we didn't tell you but he got shot four times" Samantha said between sobs. "WHAT!? I ONLY HEARD ONE!!!" I screamed. "When your dad was capturing Martinus he shot him once in the leg to prevent him from running away from them" Marcus said. "The second one was when he jumped in front of you to save you and he got shot around his ribs" I sober even harder. "The third time was after you fainted from the shot he shot him again in the leg and then in the arm" Samantha sobbed. "STOP YOUR ALL LYING!!!" I screamed. "MARTINUS!!!"
I screamed while running towards his hospital room door. "NO! STOP CALLISTA!" Mr. Gunnarsen yelled while pulling me back. I got out of his grip. "IF I CAN'T SEE HIM I'LL CUT MYSELF!!!" I screamed that's how desperate I was to see his beautiful face again. They all looked down and that was enough for a "no" to me. I pushed through them and ran outside. I ran and ran. "CALLISTA STOP!!!" Marcus yelled. I felt him put his arm around my waist to pull me back. I struggled to get out of his grip but he was to strong. "MARCUS LET GO OF ME!!!! IF YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I CARED FOR HIM YOU WOULD LET ME GO!!!" I screamed. He pulled me into a hug. I fell to the ground crying. "MARCUS I CAN'T LIVE WITH OUT HIM!!!" I screamed. "Callista I wasn't gonna tell you but... you can leave from the hospital today"
He said looking scared at me. "WELL I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL MARTINUS IS BETTER!!!!" I screamed. "Callista don't you see there is a very slim chance that he will be okay! He's probably gonna DIE! I know it hurts to know that he most likely will! And I'm his twin it hurts me too but you need to face it! There is a 85% chance that he will forget about Samantha and you if he is okay!" I just looked at him with I hate you look. "Callista it's not a choice we will visit him everyday after school but I'm not going to argue with you right now! We are leaving!" He yelled. "NO!!!" I screamed. "YES WE ARE!!!" He yelled while pulling me by my wrist. I slapped him and he fell to the ground. And then I looked at him on the ground holding his face and then I looked up and then I saw his parents, Emma, and Samantha. I took a step closer to them and they stepped back. "YOU'RE AFRAID OF ME AREN'T YOU!!!" I screamed. They just looked at me with fear in their eyes. "YOU ARE!!!" I screamed. I ran. I didn't run far so I just sat down against a building and then I started cutting myself. I did three cuts on each arm. "If you die Martinus then I'll kill myself!!!" I whispered to myself. I felt someone's arms rap around me and the carried me back to the hospital and I slowly drifted to sleep in my hospital bed.

Is anyone else crying at what Marcus said? I love Martinus so so so soooooooooo much!!! I love him more than food! The world! The universe! Living! I just love him soooo much it's unexplainable! This chapter was very emotional but I hope you liked it💗😢

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