I can't help falling in love with you💗

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Once the movie ended we started to stand up until we heard someone knocking on the door. "I'll go see who it is!" I said. I ran to the front door and opened it. It was Marcus and Samantha. "What the hell did you do to my brother?!" Marcus said. I rolled my eyes. I was about to close the door but he held it open. "Callista, what did you do to my brother?!" He repeated. "Does it ever occur to you that I didn't do anything wrong?! Joey kissed me cause he has feelings for me! No matter how hard I try or how much I say I don't like him in that way he still likes me! I have NO feelings for him! I didn't enjoy the kiss or anything like that! I told Martinus I loved him but he doesn't love me!" I screamed. "Can you leave me alone now?!" I snapped. They both didn't say anything. Then Marcus grabbed me by the waist and carried me back to their house. "What the fuck Marcus?!" I yelled. He carried me up the stairs and into Martinus's room. "You two are gonna make up! I don't care if you guys like it or not! You guys don't have to be dating or whatever just don't be mad at each other!" Marcus yelled. He shut the door and locked it. I rolled my eyes and sat against the door. We didn't talk for a long time. "Me and Connor are dating" I said. "Like I care!" He snapped. "Just thought you should know! You don't have to be such a bitch about it!" I said. "Me? A bitch?! HA! If anyone here is a bitch it's you!" He yelled. I gasped in a sarcastic way. "OMG! I'm affended! Martinus how could you say that!" I said in a sarcastic way while wiping away a fake tear. "Katie was right about you! You are a slut!" He said. My eyes widened. "Don't let it get to you Callista!" I thought to myself. "Every time you break up with some guy you always go to another! You steal people's hearts! I bet that's why you have no friends! I bet that's why I hate you!" He yelled. A tear streamed down his face and then mine. "Maybe I am a slut! Maybe I am a bitch! Maybe I am a hoe! But that doesn't mean I don't have feelings! Martinus I was afraid to admit to myself and to everyone else that I loved you! I'm scared to love! I'm scared that I'll end up like my parents! And every time I see you I feel a pain in my heart! It's a good pain! And I'm sick of it! Love hurts! Everything hurts! Not the kinda pain you feel when you get cut! It's worse! Being abused hurts less than love! And I don't want love if it hurts! Im sick of my life hurting! And you make my life hurt! I guess I loved you Martinus Gunnarsen! Is that bad?! But I don't want this! I want it to all stop!" I screamed. Tears were pouring down my face. Marcus and Samantha ran in the room. "Callista?" Samantha said. She had no expression or tone in her voice. Everyone else ran into the room. I turned to Martinus. "But I can't help it!" I said. A tear streamed down his face. "Ever since I've met you things started to make sense! My life started to make sense even though it was confusing! You were there for me! You loved me! But... I didn't know! And I still don't know!" I yelled. "But I can't help falling in love with you but... I hate it! No matter hard I try to stop loving you, I can't do it! I can't help falling in love with you!" I screamed. Everyone was standing there amazed, looking at me as if I was a leader, leading people through the roughest part of their life. I wiped my tears away. "But I'm done wasting my tears on you!" I said. "And I'm done wasting my breath on you!" I added. "And I'm done wasting the phrase 'I love you' on you too!" I yelled. He was in tears and so was I. I pushed past everyone and walked outside. This time I didn't run. I walked. I walked because I had nothing to run away from. Nothing to hide from. I was walking. I walked to Connor's house and walked in. He ran over and hugged me, and I hugged him back. "Where were you?" He asked. "I'm sorry, I just went for a walk after I opened the door" I lied. "Okay, just tell me if you're gonna go somewhere" he said. I nodded. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying?" He said. "No, it's just kinda cold outside" I lied. He nodded. "Hey, I have to go back to that boarding school tomorrow so I won't be able to see you for awhile" he rolled his eyes. "Oh! I'm gonna miss you!" I said while hugging him. "I'm gonna miss you too!" He said. He kissed my forehead. I felt better. Connor always cheered me up. "Who gave you that necklace?" He asked. I felt my neck and that necklace Martinus gave me was still around my neck. "Oh, Martinus gave it to me I forgot to take it off, sorry" I said while taking it off. "It's alright!" He said. I smiled and kissed him. We headed to his room cause it was getting late. "We laid down in his bed. "G'night Callista!" He said while kissing my cheek. "G'night Connor!" I replied while kissing his forehead. And I fell asleep.

Did this make anyone realize the point of life? Even though I'm the one who wrote this I learned something from even writing. I love each and every single one of you! You're beautiful just remember that! And even in the roughest times there will always be light at the end of that dark tunnel! God I sound cheesy😂well I love you guys! Want me to post later?💗💗💗

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