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Just as we were smiling and gazing into each other's brown eyes Martinus's phone starts to buzz. "It's Marcus" he says, I nod. "Hello?" Martinus says. "Where the hell are you! Me and Samantha are looking every where for you!" He yells through the phone. "Jeez Marcus I didn't think you would be that concerned!" Martinus giggles, I giggle a bit too. "Stop giggling this isn't funny Martinus!" "Okay sheesh we're at the park meet us there in ten?" He lied. "Okay and you BETTER be there!" He says back before Martinus hangs up. "Well that was fun-" I say before I get a text.


"Oh shit!" I say running off. "What's wrong?!" Martinus asked super concerned this time. "It's just uh.... I'll text you later?!" I yell. "Um okay.... bye! Text you later!" He yells back with worry in his voice. Once I reach my house I put my hand on the door nob and I noticed that I was shaking like crazy! I held my breath and opened the door. I saw that there was shattered glass on the floor. I crept up to my room and right as I was going up the stairs I felt a tight grip around my arm and yanking me down the stairs. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!!" My dad yelled while hitting me. "You know what happens when you disobey me!!!" He grabbed his belt and a knife and pushed me on the ground. He hit me with his belt on the back twenty times and gave me three slashes on each arm. "Now get out of my site!!!" He screamed. I ran up the stairs and immediately started crying. I checked my phone and saw that I had about a hundred text from Martinus.
Martinus: you ok?
Martinus: are you safe?
Martinus: I'm worried plz answer!!!
Martinus: I knew your dad was hurting you!!!!
Martinus: I'm coming over right now!!!

When I saw the last text I almost screamed. I texted him back as fast as I could.
Callista: Martinus plz don't come over!!! You were right my dad does abuse me I'm sorry I lied to you.

I put down my phone and started to cry even more. I wasn't up for a sleepover with Samantha but I rather go to her house than mine so I really had no choice and maybe we could even invite the twins? I checked my arms. They were all irritated and red and there was sooo much blood coming down my arm that I could barely even see my arm. And my back hurt as hell. I'm mean damn it really does hurt! I barely could speak because I hurt so much but all I could say was. "Ouch!"

Sorry for the really short chapter comment for more😘🍌🍍💖  

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