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I woke up and i felt soooo much better. I was still a little sore but I felt WAY better than the past few days. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and started to walk. I was a little shaky but I managed. I walked over to a mirror and I still looked really bad. I walked back to my bed and sat down. I looked around the room once again and saw my clothes. They looked brand new. I found my phone on top of them and grabbed it. I went onto my Instagram and saw that I had about 200k followers! I started to question it. Then I looked at Marcus & Martinus's Instagram and saw that the had 585k! I can't believe I didn't notice that before. I scrolled down to see the rest of their pictures and found a picture of them on stage singing. It made me sad to see Martinus. When he was safe. When my dad didn't hurt him. I started to cry. I scrolled down even farther and saw all their fans. The caption was in Norwegian. It said 'Vi elsker dere så så såååå mye! Tusen takk for å være det oss! Dere er de beste fans noensinne!(We love you guys so so sooo much! Thousand thanks for being there for us! You guys are the best fans ever!)' I smiled at the pic. I scrolled up to the top and didn't notice that a few days ago they had posted a new pic. It was a bunch of different photos of me and Martinus. One was us holding hands, the second one was him hugging me, the third one was me and Martinus looking into each other's eyes, and the fourth one was us kissing. The caption said. 'I love you sooo much Callista! You are the best thing that has happened to me ever since I moved here and I know you aren't ready for the word love but you are ready to be loved!-Martinus💗' I cried even harder when I read this. He was right I wasn't ready for the word love. To be honest I wasn't ready for love. That is why we always say 'I still really like you or I really like you' because he knew about my past and he didn't want dating to be hard or scary so we just said that. I looked back at all my pictures of Martinus and found one of me and him in snap chat and we were using the dog filter and it was a video that I saved. "So I gotta tell ya something!" I said in a baby voice to Martinus in the video. He nodded and laughed. "So like ya my boyfriend and I'm ya girlfriend and like ya!" I said in the video. He just laughed and it made me feel warm inside. I don't know why I saved it but I did. "Good to see you awake Callista!" Marcus said in the door way with the gang behind him. "DSUE!" I yelled while wiping my eyes. I stood up and hugged him and hugged all the others. "Are you feeling better?" Mrs. Gunnarsen asked. "Yeah much better!" I replied. We all just talked for a bit until I head people speaking with loud voices and a bed being wheeled down the hallway. I stood up and looked out the hospital window. Martinus was being wheeled down the hallway very fast. "MARTINUS!!!" I screamed and sobbed at the same time. I ran out into the hallway and chased after them. "CALLISTA STOP!" Mr. Gunnarsen yelled from behind me. I ignored him and kept running. They ran into a room and I followed. I saw them pull a blue curtain so nobody else could see what they were doing to him. I heard Martinus mumble. "What?" A doctor said. "Tell my girlfriend that if I don't make it tell her I love her more than the universe!" He said louder. "I'm here Martinus!" I screamed. "Oh shit!" I thought. A doctor came out from behind the blue curtain. "Sweetie you aren't supposed to be in here!" He said while leading me to the door. I tried to fight back but it was no use. "Please let me stay in there please!" I begged. "I'm sorry I can't but I can tell you when he's done..." he gave me an uncertain look if I could see him when he was done. "Here tell me your room number and I'll come right down when he's done!"
He said. "304 is my room number" I sniffled. He nodded and rushed back into the room. I fell to the floor and scrunched up into a ball and sat in the corner and cried. I felt someone tap my arm. I looked up and saw Emma. She sat down next to me and hugged me. "My brother really does love you!" She whispered. I nodded. "Can we go back to your room so I can tell you the whole story?" She asked. I nodded and I held her hand and we walked back to my room. I sat down on one end of my bed and she sat on the other end and she started....

Ugh! Why do I love Martinus sooooooo fucking much?! Honestly if this actually did happen to him I would die! Well anyways I hope you liked this chapter and Emma is so cute! Am I right or am I right? I don't really know what should happen to Martinus yet so I would love it if you guys could give me some ideas! Thanks love ya😘

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