Part 62

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I sat there on the bed very confused. Jason couldn't even say a word. "Jase whats wrong?" He stummbled back and tried to gain balance from the desk beside him. I got up and quickly threw on his black v neck that he wore earlier that was barley above the knee. I went over to him and hugged him from behind. I placed my head on his back and my hands over his chest where i could feel his heart beating abnormally fast. After a few minutes of standing there he finally breaks the silence. "Im so sorry.. i don't know how to tell you.." now im lost. "Jase what happened??" I said worried as hell. "Your parent's were killed on there way to the airport.." my heart dropped and i became very uneasy. My eyesight became blurry and before i even knew it tears were flooding my cheeks.

"How? How did this all happen??" I said asking questions i knew Jason didn't have the answers too cause he was just as speechless and upset as i was. Jason went to my bed side where there was a night stand and opened up the drawer and that nothing but a yellowish orangish envelop with nothing but an address on it that was left on my door step a while back but i didn't think much about it. "What are you doing?" I said looking over at him. "Whats this?" He asks pulling out the envelope. "I'm not sure. I found it on my porch a long time ago" Jason reads the address on it and crumbles up the envelope and tosses it in the trash. "Let's get some rest. We have lots to talk about in the morning." REST???? HE THINKS I COULD JUST SLEEP MY PARENTS DEATH OFF JUST LIKE THAT??? "Jason, how the fuck to do you expect me to sleep?" I said snapping at him "Look i know sleeping is the last thing you want to do right now but i know you're tired so for your sake and the babys, please get some rest" i know he's right and i hate it. We both got into bed but i just couldn't sleep. I laid there starring at the ceiling.

Our baby will never get to meet his grandparents nor will his grandparents get to meet them. Hell i haven't even told my parnets i was pregnant in the first place! All this guilt was too overwhelming and i couldn't help but to cry again and try not to wake up Jason who has his face burried into the crook of my neck and my hair covering his face. Why did he throw away that envelop? I gently removed Jason's arms off of me and grabbed it out of the trash. What does this address have to do with anything and what's it got to do with me? I went back to my night stand and grabbed my phone and took a picture of it so when Jason wakes up he won't notice its missing.

*the next morning*

I didn't get much sleep last night but i woke up in hopes that it was all just a dream, but it wasnt. My mother and father are really gone. Getting maybe 4 hours of sleep isn't going to stop me from knowing what happened to my parents.. or who killed my parents. Just the thought makes my blood boil.  Jason told me we had some place to go and at this point i didn't even bother on asking where we were going. We both got into the car and  headed who knows where. The drive there was silent and having jasons other hand on my thigh helped me feel more relaxed. I wasn't aware of my surroundings... it was nothing but old abandoned buildings. This place looks oddly familiar.

Its currently 5:15am and i miss staying up writing stories and also cause i couldn't sleep but thats also okay lol. Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts! I'll be working on the next part shortly(:
Much love,

Jason McCann imagines/storyWhere stories live. Discover now