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Everyone has a monster inside them. 

Be it a frightening one or a harmless one. 

We all have it and so do you. But most of us hides it. Masks it with that facade of a person being warmhearted and welcoming when it fact, they are the real devils in this world. 

I have a monster inside me. But I hide it as hard as I can so no one can ever reveal just how destructive my monster is to the world. 

But there was this certain girl who changed everything. 

The moment I laid my eyes on her, I already know that I can never escape her no matter how hard I try. The girl who made all my monsters come out. 

The girl who I come to despised since Day 1. 

The girl who I have come to fall in love with. 

The only girl who can tame the monsters inside me. Y/F/N.


TRIGGER WARNING: This FF contains mature scenes that are NOT suitable for young readers. I repeat, NOT suitable for younger readers. As I had said from my previous fanfic, please do not read this when you are uncomfortable with strong profanity, sexual contents and derogatory comments. If you are fine with those, then sit back enjoy the ride cause this is one hell of an adventure with Kim Taehyung as the lead. Also, since it's SSY who will be writing this, we can't miss the smuts, can we? So yeah, I'll be adding a few smuts scenes but not too much compared to SJJK. 

Okay, enough of that. Hope you'll show some love on this new fanfic of mine, just like with my previous one. 

See you on the first chapter! 


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