• ease of youth •

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"I guess youth had its hardships, but overall it was the best part of life.
You were free to imagine anything and everything without judgement, believe what you wanted to believe. Pretend you were royalty, a warrior, a predator of the wild, and it was okay.

We never knew the pain we felt when we broke out favourite toy, would be nothing compared to the first time we had our heart broken.
At the time, you'd stare at the broken pieces in your hands through blurred vision while you pleaded for your parents to fix it; not understanding the concept that it was beyond repair.

I took a while to grasp that once it was broken beyond repair, you had to move on. Once I did so and understood, it got easier. Until it came to love.

Amongst the crowd, he stood. His hair a perfect mess accompanied with the most gorgeous, clear hazel eyes and the cutest grin I had ever seen in my life. He was shy around people he didn't know, but a complete clown amongst those he did. He was the definition of perfection itself.

His embrace was warm. I finally felt like I had somewhere where I belonged. Someone I felt safe with. Who I could trust. His kisses were soft and full of passion, though forceful when he wanted them to be. His voice was just as soft as he spoke to me, a soothing lullaby I could listen to for hours on end. He admired the little things I did. Yes I noticed, and I carried on with them anyway, as seeing him admire what I was doing thinking I hadn't noticed, was so insanely adorable.
Whenever I caught him staring he would grin like a complete maniac as he blushed like crazy, before smothering me in a million small kisses before whispering those three words I never hesitated to speak in return. He knew how to make me feel special, feel so immensely happy.

He was who I wished to spend my forever with.

Though little did I know, we both had quite different definitions on how long "forever" was.

His texts became shorter and less meaningful. Which I was quick to notice. I asked him countless times if he was okay and what was wrong, while making sure he knew I would always be there if he needed me.
His effort to keep things together diminished. I gave him space, thinking i was being too clingy and getting in his way, hoping it would help, though it just made it all crash harder. He rarely called me "Babe" or "Beautiful",  instead, he spoke my name in the flattest tone I'd ever heard him speak. He spoke less, his soothing song of words just sharp tones of black and white. His grip as he held my hand became tighter and the hugs were no longer a thing, along with his passionate kisses. We were drifting, and I drowned myself in blame and self doubt. I kept trying to stay happy and show him how much I loved him.

Soon keeping a conversation or starting one became difficult and for I, nerve wracking. Without warning he had become a complete stranger. I was shut out from home, and the safest person to me now felt like a threat. My world was no longer...

I let it all drift apart, let everything that happened, happen.

He called, and that's how he ended us. I listened as he cried, as he spoke broken words, and he listened as I too cried.

That's when moving on became hard, and deemed near impossible at the time.

He had broken his favourite toy, making her think she was his everything, and now it was time for him to move on and find a new one...."

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now