• a case of the butterflies •

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I couldn't find a way to approach him.

I couldn't gather the words I wanted to say and place them in the correct order, or say them without the repetition of the first letter; like a needle stuck on a vinyl. Whenever I got close, the butterflies in my stomach erupted into an ecstatic swarm that flew out of control.

My heart vigorously bashed against its cage, as it begged me to get closer so it could reach out and prick him ever so carefully with a hint of its complex drug.

My knees would so suddenly forget what it was like to be strong as they subtly shook beneath me, threatening to give way and send me tumbling onto the ground in a mess.

My mind would start to overthink and discourage, developing excuses as to why we would never work out, before deciding and shouting that he's "the one".

And, whenever I finally pull myself together enough to speak a simple sentence, I can't help but smile uncontrollably, like a child who just fell in love with chocolate.

I was so happy, and he didn't even have a clue that he was the reason why.

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now