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Here you are now,
Standing in defeat.
Staring at the ground,
Looking down at your feet.

You want your "baby girl" back,
After what you've done?
Better apologise freaking well,
Cause you're no longer my parents' "son"

Listen, I have something to tell,
From my feelings and my heart,
These are thoughts from hell.

I wasn't there to listen,
Sit back while you lied,
Straight up to my face,
While I stayed by your side.

I was tired, I was done.
You continued the hurt,
I still stayed while you had your fun,
I knew you wanted her.

I sat back and waited,
Till you really needed help,
So you could come to me, not her,
You sat me up upon a shelf.

You played the victim who was "hurt",
You pushed me away,
You ran straight back to her,
When I said I couldn't stay.

I know we're both through,
But I can't help it now,
To still care about you,
Search for your face in the crowds.

I was always stuck chasing,
Someone who wasn't mentally there,
Kept giving my all to,
Someone who never seemed to care.

Though the time we had was good,
It could've been better,
If you realised what you had,
And cherished it altogether.

I gave you a third chance,
It was a stupid mistake,
We held a stronger stance,
But it all ended the same.

I lost how I felt,
Now I really feel it more,
I'm still wishing for the day,
Your face turns up at my door.

I stayed through your petty game,
From your sideline I cheered you on,
Blinded by this thing called 'love',
Didn't realise I was with a moron.

Sure you were sweet,
After you did something wrong,
I'm done feeling this way,
And hearing lyrics of your favourite song.

Then I came to realise,
How ungrateful you are,
You don't know you have a princess,
You don't deserve my heart.

If I kept going back,
It would've been broken again,
Don't place your heart in something,
You know will crash and end.

You weren't committed,
Something happened and you changed,
One day I wasn't the one for you,
And your solution was to run away...

Run away from your problems?
You know that won't solve them.
They'll just get worse and build up,
soon it'll become too much - and you'll become stuck.

You'll have no one to help you because you're too busy clowning around.
Being alone forever... How does that sound?
It'll happen, as everyone around you settles down and soon everyone moves out of town.

So you're all alone, while everyone has someone.
They'll start a family and grow, while you're stuck trying to repair the damage you've done.

Guess it was all fun and games...

Till you were the one who got hurt...

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now