• y o u r c o l o u r •

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I was never really a fan of the colour yellow, until I met you.

Your favourite hoodie was a vibrant yellow, with your scent stitched into the cotton— wherever you went, you had it on.

As time went on, I grew quite fond of the colour, adding the bright hue to my collection of clothes.

It was sweet, happy; it was you, a perfect resemblance of you.

Though, like every love story, we found a steep rocky surface, the only way to go being down, and eventually we just crashed at the bottom.

Now, whenever I see the colour yellow, I'm reminded of everything about you. I cop a mysterious wiff of your cologne once my eyes lock on the colour, and I remember the warmth of it as your arms wrapped around me gently.

You taught me to view things from another perspective, so ever since, I've never looked at the colour yellow the same way.

Though, it's funny how a person can do that to you; how they sway your mind and preferences on certain things sometimes just by doing even the simplest of things...

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now