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I'm not open to many people.
Usually I'm pretty quiet, and
I don't really like attention.
It's those times though, when
I'm quiet where I just need to
be left alone; to drown in my own
thoughts and doubts - but these
moments have started becoming
more frequent and I don't know
what to do.
I just don't want to talk to anyone,
or even talk at all for that matter.
I have nothing to say, no words to speak. It's like you're sinking slowly,
drowning, unable to reach out for help as you watch everyone continue
on around you, smiling and laughing.
All you can do is think; how on earth - how do I become that happy?
What do I have to do to achieve that?
But, out of complete honesty, I'd rather stay quiet, than explain my problems to people who are just curious and don't really care much
at all.
I want to be alone, but at the same
time, I want company. That type of company where you just want to be held tight in a hug, amongst the silence...
I'm not suicidal,
but if I was in a situation,
where the outcome would
result in my life ending,
I don't think I would try and
evade it or attempt to change the
outcome. And I think that's
the sad part - how we spend so much
of our young years wishing
for our life to end, rather than
actually doing things and enjoying
our life while we're young and have
all these opportunities to shape
our future; rather than sitting here
and leaving the slate potentially empty.

But, at the end of the day, what can you do?

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now