• k n o w y o u •

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You smiled, and though it was only small and sad; you still smiled. I knew you weren't okay, even before I approached you, to see the hurt fighting to express itself on your face- but you still smiled, when I hadn't seen you done so for days on end.

I wanted to hold you, hold you close and never let go, I wanted to tell you everything was going to be okay, even if it wasn't. I wanted to love you, more than you had ever felt before, more than anyone else. I wanted to show you what you deserved, the love you deserved. I wanted to give back to you all the love you had given away to others that took it and shut you away.

I wanted to get closer and learn everything there was to know about you, everything you wanted to say. I wanted to listen to every word that flowed from your lips, whether they were soft and calm, or sharp like shrapnel; I wanted to listen. I wanted to know your favourite music, and how you came across it, how it became your favourite. Was it because you simply liked how it sounded? How the beat and rhythm resonated in your chest and burst through your veins and how the components all mixed together so effortlessly to form the best four minutes you had ever heard.

Maybe it was the lyrics, that touched your soul and set alight a small spark of recognition of a feeling from the past. Maybe you clicked and made a strong emotional connection, one that couldn't be broken.

I wanted to know your favourite place to escape to when all was collapsing and caving in. I wanted to know the series of unfortunate events that shoved you into that space, where you would change your state of mind. I wanted to know where you felt safe and at ease, so I knew where to find you when were in need of someone, or anyone; so you weren't alone.

I wanted to know anything and everything about you; I wanted to be someone to you, someone who you knew was there, who you could reach out to without second guessing.
I wanted to be more than just another familiar face...
I wanted to be yours.

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now