• m o r n i n g s •

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The soft morning glow of sunlight, leaked through the venetian blinds and dripped across your elegant features.

You slept peacefully, tangled amidst the pure white sheets, your upper torso bare of clothing. Shadows draped across your tanned soft skin, creating shapes and dancing beside the strips of sunlight.

Your hair was a scruffy mess from your restless sleep the night before; but I always liked it that way. You snored only slightly, a soft momentary snore that was almost as soothing as your late night acoustic lullabies.

I loved you, but I loved you especially in the morning- when you were drowsy and a little goofy as a result of being so tired. When you would look in the mirror and scrunch your nose at how you looked after waking up, then frantically tried to fix your messy hair before I woke- if I wasn't awake before you. In the morning, you were perfect. Though you're always perfect to me, but you were perfect especially in the morning when you were a complete mess.

My complete mess.

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