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A fear?

No. It is much more than just a fear.
For losing one you claim to love, and have put so much trust and faith into; a fear is nothing compared to such.

When they seem to become so distant; their attention locked upon others for such long durations, as if you're not there; your heart sinks, though you have no choice but to let them be, as keeping them chained to you, would make matters worse- leaving them miserable.

All you can do is sit and watch from a distance as they ocassionally glance back to you every once and a while; making a small acknowledgment of your existance only momentarily, as they continue their conversations in front of you.

Your mind wanders; they ask what's wrong. Oh how you wish you could word how you felt without hurting them. If only they understood.

All you can do is sit back and watch. Saying hello and goodbye as you part ways, a routine though delivered in a manner as if it was a chore to them.

They will grow curious of others and try their luck, losing interest in what they have; being given the same things. They long for something new; though how do you give that to them?

The only thing you can do is let go. Let them be. Let them be who they are, and do what they wish; flirt with whomever, compliment whomever, love whomever while you're just an accessory on the side.

It's hard, but sometimes it's for the best.
To save your heart from the pain in being hurt again; both with and without them. Though such would seem so hypocritical as you would only leave the slightest fracture or crack in their heart, leaving little pain.

They say they you are their world, but don't treat you that way. They treat you lesser than those they seem to long for.

You should be treat right.

If you are not treat with the same amount of respect and kindness you show him, how could he be the one for you?

You do not bow down to a being who proclaims dominance so strongly and hurts you in various ways. Controlling, and keeping you caged while he is free.

You deserve more. You deserve so so much more; someone better who will treat you right, treat you as an equal and show you that they truely love you as much as they say they do.

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now