• n o n s e n s e •

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Your words spread like wildfire, and towed behind a reckless storm of verbal bullets; all aimed at me. There was no calm centre, no eye of the storm where everything was at ease and I could seek refuge to gather my reckless thoughts in time to fire back.

I was ready for the storm, though I remained confused at why it had been directed this way with such intentions- intentions to destroy and tear down all in it's path as it headed in this direction.

I was never afraid of such dark clouds that fell upon those vulnerable enough to become trapped beneath them. The clouds whom induced such fear through their brittle frame of support.
But now, since your eyes became just as dark and full of an uncontrollable, unknown hunger; those piercing, black clouds are my biggest fear - all because of you.

Now, I was trapped and stuck in this thick, raging mist; with no where to go, no hope filled light of reassurance to follow. Nothing.

You deprived me of all I hoped for; wished and believed in, with the flick of your tongue and the click of your teeth. You put fear into me, more fear than what belonged under my flesh and I hate you for that.

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now