r e m i n d e d

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It's that first breath as you re-surface.

It's that first time you see him smile.

It's that first time you give a genuine laugh after a long time.

When you step outside and feel the sun kiss your skin, as the wind whispers through your curled locks; the stray strands brushing across your lips. The feathery touch of those stray strands reminding you of how his lips felt, pressed passionately against yours.

The sun, warm like his touch that brushed across your skin on a cold night. The wind as soft as his voice as he hummed you to sleep when you were sick and stuck in bed.

You were reminded of the times he came home from work, tired and just wanting to cuddle up. His sleepy morning kisses that fell along your jaw, with his lips eventually meeting yours as he wished you a good morning before you had to get up for work.

It was the little things.
The things so innocent.

Broken Wings - Poetry {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now